{Chapter Forthy Three}

311 16 2

Team Name - D̴̮̯̈́͑̽̍͝ȩ̸̞͊̇͠ặ̷̞̩͕ͅd̵̞̙̝̑̒̓l̷̡̧͈͖̝̈́̆̔̈͠y̵̨̘̝̞̮̘͎̅ ̸̺̳͔̫̮̖͔̇S̸̲͓̬͙̜͍̙̈́͆́͘i̷̧̡͈̝͙͕̹̇̉̓̏̒̌ņ̵̨͙̞̃̃̏̆s̵̢̘͖̥͚͇̈͂̊̆̀͠

---- Code Name - № ®e^e®s3

---- Code Name - Da®K

----- Code Name - Ḻ̶̼̜̦̒̓̄̏̕̚á̴̺͕b̸̡̡͍͓̹͔͌̊̈́̓͝

Allie(s) - ---------

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• [------------]

Chosen Victim {--------- one} - B̴̹͋̚̕l̵̢̲̬͑̀̎̓u̵̝̺̰̾̕̚e̸̪̿͂̽͠


Blue: 17¾

Error: 18

Ink: 18½

Fell: 19

Frisk: 14

Edge: 17¾

Stretch: 19⅔

Sci: 18

Outer: 17

Fresh: 16

Dream: 20

Nightmare: 20

Geno: 19¾

------: 20⅔

[Other Characters will be added here IF they are in the story]

"So? What is your fucking offer, Ink?" Geno growled as he had his arms crossed. He didn't wanted to be there and he doesn't want to get involved with any of Ink's sketchy plans.

"I will offer you freedom."

"Been there, did that and it never worked so no thanks." Geno looks to a side before looking at Ink again.

"Oh Geno, I forgot to metioned that Error play a role in this too...." Ink started.

"Huh?" Geno question this, since when did his brother became involved into something that involves Ink? More over he thought Fresh will be the idotic one not Error.

"Yeah you heard, Error takes a role in this and I'm trying to be a good friend. Although first you need to know that your brother is dating someone. Now Geno, I'm trying to tell Error that his lover is a bad person."

"How bad?" Geno asked.

"Really bad." Ink replied.

"That's not a suitable answer, sorry please try again." Geno spoke as he narrowed his eyes at Ink.


Error was playing chess with Blue as they played there rounds. Stretch was on the phone with UnderFell Papyrus who was questioning about Fell.

"Blue...had you spoke with Fell by any chance?" He asked as Blue replied with a 'No.'

"Sorry Bud, Blue haven't spoke with him at all." Stretch spoke through the phone.

"Oh that's fucking great. Where could that piece of sh-"

"Don't cuss now pal. Anyways do you know anyone else that is close to Fell?"


"Hm...I'll ask my bro if he knows any other that is close to Fell alright?"

"Okay. Tell me once you find any info on where's he's at."



Sci nudge Fell's arm softly which made him groan once he realized that Fell isn't going to let him see the cuts again. "Come on Fell, just let me tends your cuts. I won't say a word about it Fell, I promise."

"....How can I trust you?...."

"Fell you been talking to me ever since we met, even with Blue breaking your heart as he denied your feelings. I was always there for you Fell and I will be with you forever." Sci said as he rubbed Fell's back. "So let me tend your wounds just this time and many more times when you need me to tend you."


"Look his lover is a murderer."


"Do you care about his health!?"

"How could a murderer ruin his health." Geno question.

"The murderer ruined his friends lives."

"That's his friends lives not his." Geno sigh, "Look Ink, just fuck off okay?"

"Would you care if his lover kill your own brother? Just like Papyrus?"

". . . . . . ."



"....Okay although I'll be waiting for the answer if you're willing to help me. I'll give you a week, no actually I'll give you a month to think about it, okay?"


Dream hugged Nightmare as he yawns, "I'm sleepy..."

"Sleep then."

"I don't wanna sleep since we have guests..."


Dream just nods as he yawns more. Fresh looks at Outer who was on his phone. Fresh soon lost himself in thoughts, while Dream actually feel asleep on Nightmare.

And Nightmare felt awkward, while Outer was googling stars. No one knew what to do at the moment but just do whatever.

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now