{Chapter Four} (Error Pov.)

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I look at Blue as he looked at me. "WhAt WeRe yOu WaTcHiNg?" I ask him. "Oh! I was watching my little pony! It talks about the magic of friendship!!! It's really fun to watch!!" He said.

What is a pony?

I decided to not ask just in case if he starts blabbing about what it is. He soon got up and grabbed me by my hand. I blush at this physical contact, I can tell ya that I don't glitch much with Blue touch. I somehow gotten used to it, and yes sometimes I crash when Blue hugs me. Mostly I don't crash or reboot heck even glitch out.

He dragged me out of the lab, "Can we go somewhere that isn't my Au!??" He ask. "What Au do you think of Blue?" I ask him. "That one.....that you like! OuterTale I think it's called!!" He chirp happily. I sigh, "Okay." I said.

I open a portal to my favorite Au, OuterTale. I had told Blue I loved this Au due to it's calming atmosphere and the beautiful stars. We both enter the portal, I close it so no one from his home world goes through. We both sat down next to each other as we watch the glimmering stars.

Out of the Blue, Blueberry laid on me. This cause me to glitch, yet I guess I was fine. "The stars are beautiful..." Blue said. I hum in agreement. "When my Au goes to the surface...will there be stars like these?" He ask. "I dunno, Blue." I admitted.

We spent together talking at the right peaceful moments. Until Ink opened a portal and saw us. "Uh....am I interrupting something?" He said. Blue looks at Ink, "Nope! Your not interrupting nothing bestie!!" Ink nods. "Okay. Hey Blue wanna go hang about in my place? Error can ..come also." In the corner of my eye sockets I saw Ink glaring at me. Not rudely though, just a protective glare maybe making sure I haven't hurt him?

Blue smile widen, "YES!!" He soon stood up and grabbed my arm once again and dragged me into the portal Ink had open. I swear I heard Ink mumble can't be in love or something like that.

I sat up when Blue came to a halt. I look at this er...place. Art was everywhere. Some sort of mansion I presume.

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