{Chapter Twenty}

710 19 28

Team Name - [Unknown]

Blue Code Name - Reverse

Fell Code Name - Dark

Sci Code Name - Lab

• Edge/Fell Pap
• Alternative Human
• Fresh
• Frisk
• Core Frisk
• [Unknown]

Chosen Victim {second one} - {Maybe Fresh, Team haven't decided}

Blue: 17¾

Error: 18

Ink: 18½

Fell: 19

Frisk: 14

Edge: 17¾

Stretch: 19⅔

Sci: 18

Outer: 17

Fresh: 16

[Other Characters will be added here IF they are in the story]
Also images of Blue and Fell's outfit is in the past six (?) Chapters. Just saying if ya forgoat. Also Sci outfit will be made in a bit.

Anyway to the story.

"...No.." Blue said as he sat upwards, looking at Fell. "What else do ya want to speak about, dove?" Question Fell as he sat down on the bed, Blue look at Fell before facing the floor. "Fell...what if....what if my brother finds out what I've been doing? You know....killing?" Softly question Blue, Fell hummed as he pounder about it.

"I dunno really, Blue. Though hopefully your brother won't know. "

"But..what if.."

"Blue just stop thinking about this what if shits."

"....okay..but what happen if.....the target was my brother? I wouldn't kill him.."

Fell grabbed Blue's shoulder and pulled him closely like if they were going to kiss, "Blue, stop thinking about what will happen if this, or what if this happens. I know killing for love is new for you, and it's new for both Sci and I. Just stop thinking about this." Said Fell, whom then let out a small gasp when Blue tackled him into a hug, crying.


Ink sigh as he stood up, "I'm positive Blue and Fell won't know anything. Besides they could be talking about a movie." He said. Fresh got up also, "That is true but we need to question them before concluding that they're just talking about a movie." Fresh said. "Fresh you're being to- W-whoa Fresh personal s-space" Ink shudder as Fresh pinned him, "Are you really going to let this slide by Ink?" Fresh practically yelled. His shade fell down revealing his eyes, "Fresh please I don't see importance in this!!!" Excalimed Ink. "THATS UNRADICAL INK." Yelled Fresh as he punched the wall making Ink whimper.

"Yo! FrEsH knOck thAt Off." Error growled as he got hold of Fresh and pull him away from Ink. Fresh stare at Error before leaving to his place. "T-thanks Error.." Ink spoke softly. "No proBlem, InK." Error said as Ink hugged Error. "If you weren't here I wonder what would've happened.."

"Hey sweets please stop crying." Fell said as he held Blue whom was still crying. Sci knocked on the door, "Come in Sci." Spoke Fell as Sci enter the room. "What's happening here?" He asked.

"Blue is just having a meat breakdown right now."


"Mhm, but I have a feeling he'll just passed out any time now by exhaustion."

"Ah alright. Anyways have you finished the sketch of my outfit?"

"Not quite. Just debating on style. "

"Ah okay. I'll head back downstairs then."

"Okay Sci."

"Mhm, Make sure Blue doesn't snap."

"On it."

Sci soon left the room, leaving Fell with Blue. "H-heh..Felly can we go kill now?" Asked Blue, his teary blue eyes looking at Fell. "Uh...no?" Answered Fell. "Awh, please? I promise I will stop being a cry baby."

"Blue you're tired."

"Hehe how could you tell?"

"Dude. I know how you act."

"Please! I wanna kill!!"

"No, now rest."

"Hmph, fine."

"Good Blue."

Blue laid on his bed with a small sigh as Fell tucked him in. "Which book you want?"

"Anything innocent..or murderous."


---Next Day---

Blue and Fell were invited to Ink's place, Fresh was with Ink and Error. "So why did you asked Felly and I to come here?" Blue asked. "Well...." Ink eyes trailed off to a side.

"What do you know about the case of the murder of Frisk from OuterTale. You two clearly know something..... Tell us now."

A/N: Ahhhhahahahaha a cliff hanger or something-

Anyways Sci outfit may show next chapter. Or not. And what do you guys think will happen?

And it was Fresh who spoke at the end.

I'm addicted to the song up there. It's so bootiful ^•^ anyways see ya next Sunday!

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now