Delfin Gets Comfort

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Delfin and Helena were very grieved with the loss of Constantina. Every day, they would cry in longing to see the girl.

Months passed. Delfin got a letter. He opened it to see who wrote it. To his surprise, it was Dianna, one of the daughters of Pablo and Rosario Campanilla. The letter read:

Dear Delfin,

I was very sorry for the loss of your only sister. I know, it is very difficult, very painful, for someone we love to die. That could be irreversible. I understand you.

But you know, there is something I want to tell you. I'm sorry if this is unorthodox  and I hope you won't think that I am downgrading myself. 

From the first time I saw you, I felt something different. I felt like I like you, I love you. I tried to hide it, but I can't. I can't stop thinking, and I can't stop feeling it.

I hope you love me too. I will do my best to please you. But if you don't love me, I will try to accept it.



Delfin was shocked. He did not expect that such a woman like Dianna Campanilla would admire him. Immediately, Delfin tried to send her back a letter. The letter read:

Dear Dianna, 

I have read the letter you sent me. Thank you for the comforting words you said. I really like those words. Although I'm still saddened by the loss of my twin, your words lightened my load.

Since I saw you and your family, I already knew that you are good people. That is why you had been dear to me.

I love the way you entertained and comforted me during my stay in your house. You had been so kind, and you really cared for me. That is why over time, I have developed tender feelings for you. I tried to consider you as a sister, but then I realized, you are more than that. 

I love you, Dianna. And I promise to love you all my days. I hope your parents would allow me to be a part of your life.

Very truly yours,


And the young man sent the letter. The following day, Delfin asked permission from his mother Helena to start another journey - this time, to the Campanillas' house. 

Upon getting the permission of his mother, Delfin began the journey to the Campanillas' house, where he was warmly welcomed by the family. 

He waited for some time before speaking up his request. But for the meantime, he enjoyed his stay at the residence of the Campanilla family.

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