The Generous Family Named Campanilla

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Delfin was very grateful to have the Campanilla family as a host in the mansion once owned by his grandfather, Don Rico Valderrama. The teenage lad has a great time with this family.

The young man has met Mrs. Rosario Campanilla (formerly Esperanda), once a good friend of his grandfather Don Rico. Rosario gladly invited Delfin to have lodging in the mansion.

Also, there was Mr. Pablo Campanilla, once a loyal servant of Don Artemio Espernda, Rosario's father. Due to his unwavering loyalty to his master, he was allowed to court Rosario, who fell in love with him for his kindness and diligence. Before Don Artemio died, he saw the wedding of Pablo and Rosario - the ceremony was all but simple. In his last will, the patriarch gave Rosario and Pablo an inheritance which was greater than all of Rosario's siblings.

Pablo and Rosario had three children, all girls. They were Susanna, Angelica, and Dianna. All of them were beautiful, but none of the men in the town ever tried to court them.

Susanna, the eldest, was a very bright lady. She graduated from a girls' school with the highest honors. Though she faced some constraints, she managed to be the first woman in their town to become an accountant. 

Angelica was likewise smart. However, her best asset was her beauty. This lass, with her flawless brown skin, slender body, dreamy eyes, tall nose, red lips, and tall stature, had become a snatcher of several beauty titles. Despite these, no man ever tried to court her.

Dianna, the youngest, had her sweet voice as her biggest asset. This high school student would often win titles, and she became the vocalist of her school's band. She was very famous, but likewise, no one ever tried to court her. Like her sisters, she was also a genius.

This family was indeed very kind to Delfin. Eventually, one of the girls would fall in love with him. But in the meantime, the family also volunteered to help him find his lost sister.

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