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My breath hitches as I hear his words, and I start to tremble knowing that he will hurt me or worse.

“Harry, I’m not going to hurt you. My sister is like you, and I know what it’s like to think you’re a freak and that no one loves you.” He says causing me to look up into his eyes.


“My sister is like you, she left though. She couldn’t handle being different and one day we came home and she was gone. We could never find her, and some say she probably died, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. I tried to help her out, by being there for her and listening to her. Then she left, and we’ve never been the same since then. And if you’re wondering about how I knew, well let’s just says the pieces fit with the necklace and the way you three acted in class today.”

    “Why aren’t you upset though? I kept something from all of you, and you’ve all been open to me.”

“Harry, not everyone is as accepting of their gift as others are. Can I see you though, please?” He questions with hope shining bright in his eyes.

I sigh and take off my necklace, then look to the ground as he looks at me.

“Hey, Harry you have nothing to be ashamed of. You’re perfect the way you are, and no one should judge you for your abilities. If I may ask, what was life like for you outside of school?”

“It was terrible, everyone called me a freak, my mum gave me away to a mean man who used to hit me and the necklace is my only way to feel normal. And with the way everyone acted in class, I don’t want them to know about what I am.”

“Harry, they are just scared because they don’t know about mutants like you.  I would like to help you, if that’s okay, because you deserved to be treated the same as everyone else.”

“What was her’s?” I asked hoping he would understand what I meant.

“A ring made by our great grandmother that was made just for her.”

“Oh, hey Zayn, can I ask you something.”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Can you not tell anyone else, especially Louis, at least until I’m ready to?”

“Of course Haz, and I’ll always be there for you if you need me. “

“Thanks Zayn.”

 Two weeks have passed since mine and Zayn’s little night in the station area and no one else has discovered my secret. I keep my necklace on at all times and I feel more protective over it now than anything else. Louis and I have something great starting and I hope that it can last awhile.

“Hey Curly, are you going to just sit there or actually train today?” Josh asks, shaking me from my little daydream.

“Oh, sorry Josh.”

I’ve been training with Josh for three months now, and still can’t seem to use my powers with my necklace on. I have also asked Josh to help me on a special gift for Liam.

 “So, how’s that gift coming along?”

“Um, I still have to see if it works, but right now it’s looking like a success. “ I say.

“Well, let me know when you try them out.”

I nod while leaving for the day to go back to my room. Josh is the only one who knows about the gift for Liam, and hopefully it stays that way until I can give it to him.

As I approach the room, I hear some voices talking, but before I hear anything the talking stops and the professor walks out of my room.

“Hello Harry, I was just informing Liam and the boys about something that they can key you in on later.”

“Oh, ok and hi to you too. “          

I enter the room and find Liam, Louis and Niall all sprawled out on the beds.
“Hey boys, um, Liam can you come with me for a bit?”

“Yeah, sure Haz”

Liam follows me back to my training room and I tell him to take a seat.

“Ok, now I want you to close your eyes and only open them when I say so.”

I tell him to open his left eye first, only for a laser beam to almost hit me in the face. I then try to slip the little material onto his eye and once I do it is a success.  I do the same thing with the other one and then tell him to open his eyes. Liam does so hesitantly and a huge smile comes across our faces as we realize the contacts work.

“Hey Har- oh.”

I turn around and see Josh in the doorway.

“It’s okay Josh and it worked, the contacts actually worked. “

“Awesome,” Josh says as he walks over.

Liam finally looks at him, only to have Josh say,” Well, hey there pretty brown eyes.”

“I take it you like them then.” Liam says while Josh continues to stare at him.

“Yes, very much so.” 

“I’m just going to go now, um, let me know how the contacts work Li.” I say as I walk out of the room.

 I walk back to my room only to have three boys looking at me curiously.

“Liam got a bit of a new look and let’s just say it’s already working for him.” I say with an amused chuckle as everyone else goes back to what they were doing. 

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