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Louis woke up before the rest only to see that it was 5:13 a.m. He hadn’t slept at all last night, especially since all’s he could see was Harry hurt and alone somewhere where he couldn’t get to him. Deciding against going back to sleep Louis got up and went for a walk through the butterfly gardens. He was walking around playing with a lone blue butterfly when he heard a sniffle come from nearby.  Glancing around, Louis didn’t see anyone but he walked towards where the sniffle had come from and spotted a hole in the school. Crouching down and crawling through the hole, Louis came across a little blue mutant curled into a ball with his tail wrapped around his arm.

Harry was sleeping in the fetal position with his tail wrapped around him, dreaming about what he had seen in his fear landscape. He hadn’t meant to freeze up at the end, but the pain and memories had gotten to be too much and he’d failed his team when they needed him the most.

“You will never amount to anything Harry, why do you think people react the way they do towards you when you show them what a freak you are. “ Louis heard Harry mumble to himself.

“How can you say that about yourself?” Louis questioned and Harry shot up so scared he hit his head on the low ceiling.

Harry looked at Louis with big bloodshot green eyes before saying some words that broke Louis’s heart to hear, “It’s the truth, so it shouldn’t matter that I said it about myself because someone has to say it.”

“You can’t mean that can you?”

“Why not, you were saying it yesterday too.”

“I overacted Harry, what I said should never have been said because it’s not the truth and I’m sorry that I took my anger out on you.” Louis said while shaking his head, disbelieving how much of an arse he had been.

“I failed you guys, I’m a fail-“

“Harry Styles, if you call yourself a failure then you are completely insane.”

Harry closed his mouth and just buried his head in his arms again. Louis was having trouble thinking about what to say next when he remembered the necklace in his pocket.

“Here.” Louis says as Harry looks up to take the necklace from Louis’s outstretched hand.

Harry looks down at the necklace to see the clasp dangling on the right side and the necklace back in order.

“It’s fixed.” Harry said looking at the necklace and then at Louis.

“Yeah, I figured it was pretty important to you after you disappeared like that so I fixed it last night.” Louis shrugs saying that figuring it wasn’t that big of a deal to fix a necklace.

Harry puts on the necklace and Louis feels his heart tug a little at the feeling of sadness at not being able to see Harry for who he really is.

“Would you like to explain to me what happened in your fear simulation?” Louis questions after a minute of silence.

So Harry tells him everything, from how his mom traded him off to a drunk man who abused him while he abused himself to running away and having the professor finding him and trying to teach him about his abilities. When he’s done Louis brings him into a hug and tells him everything will be alright.

A little while later Louis gets up to leave but not without saying,” And for the record Haz, you look super sexy without the necklace on.”

A week after the failed simulation the lads found themselves in the professor’s office telling him what went wrong with their simulation. Harry has been using his necklace a little less every day and the other lads had found out about Harry’s past, which brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

“And this is why you failed your simulation and what you’ve all learned from it?”

“Yes professor, that is exactly what we identified the problem to be and we have fixed it.” Liam says.

“Very well, you are all free to go but I would like a quick word with Harry if you please?” The professor says while the other lads leave.

“Well Harry, I have one thing to say to you and that is well done my boy.” The professor says, clasping Harry on the shoulder and then walking out of the room to go patrol the school halls. 

A.N: Hope you've liked it so far. Just the epilouge up next!

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