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I awoke in the morning to the boys making noise and I felt someone grab at my necklace. I spring up real fast, as my hand flies to my necklace, only to hit my head against the ceiling.

“Shit.” I say as I go to rub my head.

“You alright there Harry?” I hear Niall ask as I look and see Louis right beside me.

 “Yeah, just a bad dream I guess.” I lie smoothly, hopping to throw them off my weird behavior.

They all went back to what they were doing, not without a glare from Louis, and I made my way to the bathroom. I quickly get ready and we all head to the breakfast hall. Once we got our food, we went to go sit at a table. We all talked for a while, until the professor asked me to take a walk with him.

We went to the path that leads to the gardens, and he was silent until we got to the butterfly bush.

“You know Harry; I had a friend like you once.” He says to me.

“What were they like?”  I asked a bit curious.

“Well, she was a great friend who struggled to find her identity because of what everyone else would think. She didn’t want to be the outcast, as she put it, and wouldn’t ever open up to anyone. She struggled from then on and never seemed to fit in with the others like us because she wouldn’t accept her gift.” He says as a butterfly lands on his outstretched hand.

“Oh, what happened to her, and what does that have to do with me though professor?” I question

“She went with Magneto because he was the only one who could get her to see her true potential. And as for you, I know that you think you’re a freak Harry, but I put you with those boys so you could see that they will never judge you. Those boys are there to help you as much as you are there to help them, but you must learn to open up and trust them or you may never be able to see past your differences. A person can only be patient for so long until something comes along to test it.” He says.

“But what if they don’t accept me for who I am, when I can’t even accept myself?”

“That, young Harold is what you need to learn. You may not be able to accept yourself, but these boys deserve the chance to know you before you completely shut them out.” He says as he starts to wheel away.

“And Harry,” he calls as I turn around, “If you give them the chance they may be able to help you accept yourself.”

I think about what the professor has said for a bit before heading back to the training course. Each mutant has a certain part of the training course dedicated to them, and a coach as well. I look around to see many other mutants working with their coaches on how to control their abilities, but the one that catches my eye the most is where Niall is throwing clay pigeons in the air as Liam zaps them.

 I’m about to walk over to them as I get knocked to the ground. Once I regain my breath, I look to see Louis lying a few feet away from me.

“Hey, watch where you’re going next time, people are trying to train here.” He grumbles as he gets up.

“Sorry.” I say mesmerized by his wings.

“Whatever.” He says as he flies away.

I get back to my feet and make my way over to the only open coach.

“Ah, you must be Harry.” He says as I get close enough to him.

“Yeah, and you are?” I ask.

“Josh Hutcherson at your service, and from what the professor tells me you have a very special and rare gift.” He says.

“Um, I would rather not talk about it and do we have to practice it in the open or is there like a classroom we could go to or something?” I ask not wanting other people to stare at me.

“Oh, um you do realize that no one is going to make fun of you or outcast you right? We are all here to help each other so if you want we can have one of your roommates here if that will make you feel more comfortable?”

“No, that’s alright but I’m not feeling all that well so I was wondering if we could skip practice for today? I question with the hope that he will let me leave early.

“I guess, just don’t make a habit out of it alright?” He says after staring at me for a while.

I say a quick thanks and goodbye and all but run back to my room. Once inside, I see that none of the boys are here so I take off my necklace and try to teleport to the corner of the room. You see, my abilities only work when I don’t have the necklace on so I’m limited to what I can and can’t do. I’m growing frustrated because I can’t seem to teleport, when the door burst open all of a sudden. With a shriek, I teleport to the bathroom and quickly lock the door. 

“Harry, are you in here?” Liam asks sounding puzzled.

“Um, yeah but could you shut the door and bring me my necklace please?” I ask hoping he will listen to me.

I hear the door shut and some shuffling before Liam attempts to open the bathroom door.

“Harry, it’s locked.” He says

“Um, can you just slide it under the door or something?” I ask not wanting him to see me.

“How about you come out and get it.” He says.

“Close your eyes first.”

“Wha- Harry!”

“Just close your eyes and I’ll come out, but you can’t peak.” I say.

“Alright fine, I’m not looking you can come out now.” He says.

I slowly open the door to see his hand over his eyes. Cautiously I inch further out of the bathroom until my whole body is visible. I am about to reach for the necklace when Liam sneezes, dropping it to the floor. He goes to grab for it as he opens his eyes, only to come face to face with me. 

The Scars of my LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang