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Two months later, and Liam has been coming to my trainings every time I ask him to. I still haven’t told the other boys, and things are getting a little better with me and Louis. Today is one of the final warm up trainings I will be doing before Josh is going to start pushing me more. We are working in an older classroom and Liam is sitting in his usual spot to support me when the door flies open.

“Hey Liam, you in here because I’ve been trying to find you all day and why is Harry on the ceiling?” Niall questions after he comes strolling into the room. 

Everyone turns to look at me from where I’m dangling from the ceiling like an opossum. I smile sheepishly and teleport to behind Liam to grab my necklace, only to realize that Liam has it.

“Harry is just training and what is so important that it couldn’t wait until later?” Liam questions holding my necklace out for me.

“Zayn got his claws stuck again, and since you’re the strongest I figured I’d find you so you could help him get out.”

Liam just sighs and starts to walk out before turning to Niall and telling him to stay with me.

“So, you can teleport and are blue with a tail?” Niall questions before thinking it over and shrugging while sitting down in Liam’s vacated seat.

“Yeah.” I say quietly from embarrassment.

“Well if that isn’t the most bloody awesome thing I’ve seen in a while I don’t know what is.” He says just as Josh says that that will be enough for today.

                '                                               **Two weeks later**

Things went back to normal soon after the incident, well as normal as going to a mutant school can be. Liam and Niall both come to my practices and support me, while Zayn and Louis have no idea about what I am. I see Louis staring at my necklace some days, but he never says anything about it so I let it go. Two days ago, I was walking around and stumbled upon a little cubby type place under the school. It wasn’t very big, but it was a nice place to think things over and get away for a while. I didn’t tell any of the boys about it because some things are better kept as secrets right. I haven’t taken my necklace off since training, but I just can’t bear to see myself as a freak.

“Harry, are you almost done in there?” Louis asks while banging on the bathroom door.

“Yeah, give me a minute.”  I say as I get ready to start my day.

Getting out of the bathroom, I head to my first class which is like a classification about mutants and what each type is like. All of the boys have the same class as me, so we take our seats at the back of the room as the Professor comes in.

“Good morning class, today we are going to learn a new type of mutant that is probably one of the rarest in existence.” He says and I see several people perk up at that.

You see, we have only learned about the most common types of mutants so far, and because everyone knew about those it tended to get boring in class quick.

“The mutant today has said to be extinct, because the last one to be seen was over five decades ago. Now, whether or not you believe this is up to you, for some people still like to believe that these mutants still exist.” Says the Professor to the class, as he sets up the screen with information about the mutant.

As the picture and information comes up, I feel my blood run cold. I’m staring at a picture of my kind and judging by the looks I receive from Niall and Liam, they are just as shocked as I am.

“What in the bloody hell is that?” Someone asked as more students start to look a bit disgusted by the pictures.

“It looks like a freak to me.” Said another as I sit tensed in my chair.

“That is a mutant known for its teleportation powers, agility and intelligence,” says the Professor “And that is not a freak, but one of the most valued mutants above all.”

“Yeah, well if it’s so intelligent then why doesn’t it learn how to actually look like a human?” A voice said and I immediately turned to Louis with a shocked expression from what just came out of his mouth.

“That mutant is a human, and they shouldn’t have to cover up their identity because some people think they look strange.” The Professor said, trying to defend me.

“That is not a human that is some sick freak who should never walk this earth again because no one could love something like that.” Louis said and I felt my heart break as he said that. No one could ever love me, that’s why my mom sent me away and that sick man abused me. I feel my breathing quicken, and the last thing I hear before I black out is Liam yelling my name.


“Where are you ye sick little freak!” The man bellowed as I tried to hide in the closet.

I hear his footsteps getting closer and start to whimper a little thinking about what will happen if he finds me. Just then the closet door flies open and the man grabs me by the collar of my shirt.

“You answer me when I talk to you, you hear!” He yells directly into my face.

I nod my head, but that causes him to get angrier and yell some more.

“I said answer me!”

“Y-yes s-sir.” I say petrified by his harsh glare.

“Little shit, can’t even say a sentence without stuttering like some useless idiot.” He yells as he slams my head against the wall so hard I see stars.

Once he’s wasted all of his energy yelling at me, he slams the door only to go get drunk with some of his buddies and come back to yell at me some more.

                                                ***Flashback Over***

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