Chapter 31 - Graduating

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⛔️Warning, A large amount of rude language in this chapter⛔️

Rachel's POV

One week later.. my hormones are level and I'm in desperate need to go shopping with Santana and Brit. I head downstairs after getting changed and go up behind Finn who is watching hockey on our TV. It still sounds weird when I say that, I'm only 16 and he's 18 yet we basically own our own house. I notice how concentrated Finn is watching the game so I watch him for a few seconds. I quickly grab his head and lean it back, attacking his lips.

"What the -" Finn says before realising what I'm doing and stops speaking. Finn tries to pull me over onto his lap but I pull away.

"I'm off out shopping, if you need me.. I'll be at the mall, obviously" I go to walk out the door.

"I'll call Santana and see if she wants to come and keep me company" Finn says trying to annoy me with a smirk on his face,failing to persuade me to stay.

"Well that's funny, because I'm going shopping with her and Brit" Finn just carried on watching hockey. "Embarrassed Finn?" I laugh.

"I love you" I hear Finn shout to me. Before closing the door I shout back "I love you too!". I plug my headphones in and listen to my demi playlist while I make my way to the mall.

Realising I'm nearly I pull out my phone to double check the time to make sure I won't be late.. Just as I'm about to put it back into my pocket, it vibrates. Looking down I realise I've got a text.. from Quinn.

"Graduation is a few months away, enjoy your relationship before it ends Rachel"

I shudder at the realisation that Quinn is right.. Finn will be graduating soon and heading off to college while I'm stuck here in Lima. I start to tear up so I turn around and head home. I can't go shopping now.

I forcefully pull the headphones from my ears and throw them into my bag along with my phone. I just need to be left alone.

Santana's POV

I apologised to Rachel yesterday and we planned a day for shopping as Rachel persuaded me and Brit. Deciding to arrive a bit earlier me and Brit were walking around the mall.

"What do you reckon will happen to Rachel and Finn once he graduates?" Brittany random asks me.. for once it's a sensible question.

"I don't know Brit, I hope they make it because they're both our friends.. but once we leave, I really don't think they'll stay together" I look down and even without looking I know Brit was thinking the same as me.

I take my phone out my pocket and text Rachel

"Are you okay R? You were meant to be here an hour ago?! -S x"

I get an instant reply..

"Sorry but I had to head home.. fucking Quinn ruining another day for me -R x"

What's Quinn done this time? Why can't she just accept that Rachel and Finn are together!

Finn's POV

Figuring I've got the whole day to myself I set up my video games and enter my own world. However I get interrupted when the front door is opened and slammed shut.

I turn around and realise Rachel is home.. wait why's Rachel home? I sit up and go to join her in the kitchen. Arriving into the kitchen I see Rachel looking through all of our kitchen cupboards.

"What you looking for baby?" I ask Rachel while she continues to scavenger through them.

"aha!" Rachel pulls out a bottle of vodka and unscrews the top. Thinking she'll get a glass I don't move, however she connects her mouth to the lid and takes a large drink from the vodka bottle. Like lightening I reach forward and smack the bottle away from her.. It shattering into millions of pieces on the floor.

"See what you've fucking done!" Rachel screams at me, trying to walk out of the kitchen.

Not wanting her to cut her feet I go to help her.. "Let me help you" pulling her in to pick her up, she swipes my hands away. "Don't you fucking touch me you bastard" Without a care she walks over the shattered glass and runs upstairs to our room, I assume.

I don't know what's gotten into her. I can't leave it like this, so I run upstairs following her.

Rachel's POV

I storm upstairs into our room and throw myself onto the bed. Laying down I look at the photo of me and Finn on my bedside table. Looking at it makes me scream and I throw it across the room. I don't want him to leave me.

After throwing the photo.. I feel the adrenaline run through me and I begin to throw more releasing me anger.

After five minutes or so Finn walks in dodging our messed up room. I don't really take much notice in what's he doing. I feel something around my wrists and I realise he's grabbed my wrists just as I'm just about to throw another ornament. "Rach...Rach...Rachel... Calm the fuck down! What the hell is wrong with you?". I drop the ornament which is currently in my hand onto the floor and shake my wrists out of his grasp.

I slowly walk up to him and he looks me up and down. I point my finger at him. "You want to know what's wrong with me Finn?". He nods and replies "obviously". The tone in his voice just makes me loose it. I start to hit his chest hard and scream "YOUR GRADUATING IN LESS THAN FIVE MONTHS FINN! YOUR GOING TO LEAVE ME AND FORGET ABOUT ME! THAT'S WHAT IS FUCKING WRONG WITH ME!"

I start to cry hysterically and Finn pulls me into an embrace. "Your leaving Finn" I say in between sobs.

"It's okay.. Shhh Shhh.. It's all going to be okay" is all Finn had to say

Whoa.. Drama😱😱
So what's going to happen now?

Enjoy my lovelies☺️
this is by far my favourite to write💗

Id like to tell you.. That now there's only one chapter left in this fanfic😭 but don't worry💕

Okay I'd also like to announce that I'm going to be writing a sequel to this fanfic after I've finished to I'll keep you more updated to when that will happen😂

So thoughts on this chapter?☀️




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