Chapter 1 - Introduction..

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Finn Hudson was a student a William McKinley High School. He was a normal high school senior, he would regularly go out to parties with his best friend Puck. Being the schools star Quarterback, Finn knew that any girl in the school would want to date him but that didn't matter to him, sure he loved that feeling.. but one girl in particular caught his eye.

Her name was Rachel Berry, she had just become a freshman at WMHS. Like any teenage girl starting their freshman year, she wanted to make an impression..

Rachel's POV;

So here I am, about to start my freshman year. The big question is, what the heck do I wear?! I want to make an impression because it's a new year and a new school..

I know! I'll text Kurt, one of my best friends, and see if he knows what I should wear..

"Hey Kurt, don't know what to wear today? any ideas? - R'⭐️"

"Rachie!! Can't believe we're starting our freshman year, I knew you'd finally see sense and take my fashion advice.. What type of look are you attempting to pull off?-K💜"

"Not really sure, all I know is that I want to make an impression.. - R⭐️"

"Okie Dokie, I advise you to wear your denim skater skirt and the pink flower blouse tucked in and maybe accessorise with your star necklace.. Oh and wear your pumps! -K💜"

"Love you Kurt!! - R⭐️"

and with that I chuck my phone across my room so it lands on my bed.. I walk over to my closet to retrieve the clothes Kurt selected.


So there is the first chapter! Hope you guys like it sorry for any spelling mistakes💕

Sorry that's it quite a short chapter they will get longer through out the story⭐️

Okay hope you enjoy it!💜💜

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