Chapter 30 - You taste like chocolate cake

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Puck's POV

my mum sent me to the store to buy our dinner, I'm also going to grab some beer and then head over to Finn's afterwards. My mum didn't specifically say what to get so I grabbed what I thought looked nice and headed straight to the alcohol isle. After choosing the cheapest beer I could find I walk over to the row of checkouts.

Obviously, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible I scan for the shortest line. Wait is that Finn?!

"Finn.. Finn, Bro is that you?" I shout and some elderly woman turn around giving me the death stare. I defiantly think it's Finn so I head to the checkout where he's in line and pat him on the back. He turns around finally and looks at me with a nervous expression on his face.

"Hey dude, I was just about to buy some beer and head over to yours so we could maybe play some video games?" I ask him while loading the crate onto the conveyer belt as well as my mums dinner. I was just about to chuck the basket under the belt when I noticed Finn's items.

I couldn't help but snicker. "Is it your time of the month buddy?" I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. Other shoppers looked around to see why I was laughing so hard.

"No, you obviously didn't pay attention in health class, it's for Rachel" Finn replied with a pissed tone.

Wow.. They must be in love.

"If you don't mind Puck.. I'm going to buy this for my girlfriend and then go back to our house, I'd appreciate it if you don't come round tonight" Finn says while handing his money to the cashier and bagging it up.

"Whatever dude.." I said as he walked off with his bag in hand and left the store. Once the cashier lady had finished scanning my items and questioning my age..I payed her.. and went straight back home.

Finn's POV

I don't know why I was so narky with Puck at the store.. He's going to think I hate him, when I don't.. I just wanted to get back to Rachel and make sure she's okay.

As soon as I arrive back into our driveway after my trip to the store I head straight up to our room where I see Rachel surrounded by used tissues.

"Whoa, what's up with you?" I ask with a tad humour in my voice.

"I never realised how sad the titanic is.. Want to come watch with me?" I nod and hand her the bag full of her sanitary products and cake. Working my way around all the used tissues I hop into bed with her.

As she opens the bag she puts the tampax on her bedside table and opens the cake boxes. "Finn, thank you so much, I thought you would of freaked out.. but your the most perfect boyfriend" I receive the most passionate kiss ever. We both pull away for air and continue to watch the film.

"Just have some.. Take some cake Finn" not waiting for her to change her mind I dig in and grab a piece.

I grab Rachel's cheeks gently and give her another passionate kiss on the lips. "You taste like chocolate cake" we both burst out laughing. Rachel jumps out of our bed and heads to our bathroom with the stuff I bought her earlier. "I'll be right back.. Don't cry to much". I hear her shut the bathroom door and I go back to watching the film.

I'd like to think mine and Rachel's relationship is a lot like Jack and Rose's.. except Rachel is so much hotter than Rose.

Aw such a cute little chapter💗☺️
Boyfriend like Finn please?😂😂
I'm back bitches!🙌😂
Pretty ecstatic about 8k reads.. Like what the actual fuck?😂😂😂😂💕💕
I love each and every one of you💙

{In process of writing next chapter!}

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