Chapter 15 - School

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Rachel's POV

Finn and I wake up to hear a loud knock on the door.

"Rachel, Open Up!" I hear my dad's voice outside. Finn let's out of groan and puts his hand out so I could grab it as we make our way downstairs. I'm glad my stuff's being dropped off, don't get me wrong.. Sleeping in Finn's shirt last night made me feel safe but I just want my stuff.

"You know, you look really hot in my shirt.. like instant turn on" Finn whispers in my ear. I playfully hit him and open the door to reveal my dad waiting with garbage bags full of which I assume are my clothes.

Finn starts to take the bags from my dad. "Hi dad, nice to see you again" I say, trying to brighten up the awkward conversation. "Mhmm" is all I hear back. I start to help Finn bring in all my bags, I never realised I had so many bags. Once we finished bringing them all in Finn has his arm wrapped around me while we stand underneath the doorway.. Just before my dad goes to leave Finn angrily says to him

"Yeah, you go, let me take care of your daughter.. the one your abandoning; go crawl back to your controlling wife!" and with that he slams the door shut.

"Finn, baby.. That was sweet but not exactly smart" we both laugh.

"I know, I'm sorry.. I just want you to know that I'm always going to be here for you, I'm never leaving you" He leans in and we kiss.. "Can you just go get ready for school and then we can organise all your stuff afterwards" I nod and run up to Finn's room.. I don't really know if I can call it our room yet... and get changed.

Finn's POV

While waiting for Rach to finish getting ready my thoughts from the night before come flooding back, I can just imagine us walking into school and instantly getting judged for our relationship. But love is love, we have to fight the hate and move on with it.

"I'm ready babe" I hear Rachel tell me as she's running down the stairs. Once we get in the car I see Rachel reach for the volume control as the radio was on low volume..

I keep going to the river to pray
'Cause I need something that can wash all the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake

"Wow, that's great Rach.. how do you know that song? I've never heard it before" I ask curiously

"I don't know when I first heard it but I've been obsessed with it ever since". We continue the drive to school.

Once we get there, I entwine Rachel's hand with mine and we walk hand in hand into the hallway. Dirty looks are shot our way and I hear people start to talk

"I heard that they are dating now"

"I heard he pressured her to have sex with him over the weekend and she did, desperate slut"

"What's he going to do next? Date their mum?"

That's it! I've had enough! I drop Rachel's hand and punch the nearest locker to get everyone's attention.

"So what gives you all the right to gossip about my relationship? So what if Rachel is younger than me.. I love her and that's never going to change! Oh and if I hear any one of you lima losers call my girlfriend a slut one more time, you'll be taking a trip to the dumpster.. Got it!?" I see everyone nod and I walk back up to Rachel and wrap my arm around her.

As as reach the opposite end of the hallway we stop for a second. "That was really hot by the way.." Rachel whispers in my ear, "My first class is Spanish so I've got to go.. Don't do anything stupid! Love you baby!" and with that Rachel walks off the other way. I decide to head to class too. I swing the door open and go and scan the room to find an available seat.. how ironic; it's next to Puck.

Will You Wait For Me? (Finchel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant