Chapter 2 - First Day Of The Year

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Finn's POV;

-"Hey Finn, your looking super hot today!"

-"Have you been working out more Finn?!"

-"Text me Finn, I know we'd make the cutest couple!"

These were just some of the things girls have been saying to me, and the bell hasn't even rang for first period.. Don't get me wrong, I love all the attention and the majority of the girls are super beautiful..

but I just don't think any of them could be girlfriend material for me, ever since Quinn.. not one girl has caught my attention,

"Hey Finn, have you seen how hot Santana is looking today!" I heard my best mate Puck say. I go to check out Santana but I notice a girl I haven't seen around before..

She's perfect, now that is what you call girlfriend material.. and I haven't even talked to her!

Go on Hudson, pluck up the courage to go talk to her...

I start walking towards the most perfect girl I've ever seen.

"Hi, I'm Finn Hudson" I say trying to sound confident.

Her friend notices I'm talking to her and he taps her shoulder

"Rach, look behind you" the guy tells her. Ahhh so her name is Rachel.She turns around once again..


So what do you think?💕 What do you think Rachel is going to say.. will she be happy by the attention from Finn or won't she?



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