Chapter 23 - Party All The Time

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⛔️Warning.. This chapter is for mature people who can deal with sex scenes⛔️


Rachel's POV

Puck's throwing a party tonight and Finn and I have been invited. I'm really looking forward to it, Santana came over earlier to help me chose my outfit and then her and Brit are coming back over so we can get ready together while Finn goes and helps Puck set up. I'm just hoping Quinn isn't there because I haven't seen her since I got kicked out. I've heard rumours that she's with Mike now but we'll have to see tonight.

"Rach, I've got to and help Puck so I'll see you in a few hours.. Stay Safe" Finn walked towards me and kissed my head.

"I will, love you!" I look up.

"Love you more!" Finn says before leaving the house. Time to get Santana and Brit over here.

"Hey Girls, Finn's gone over to Puck's so your free to come over x"

I get an instant reply that they're coming over in five minutes. Once they arrive it's already 6:30pm and the party starts at 8:00pm.

"Seriously, What took you so long?" I ask opening the door to them.

"Nothing.." Santana replies quickly.

"We were having some sweet lady kisses.." Brittany says and Santana nudges her in the rib with her elbow.

"Well anyway let's go get ready." I slam the front door shut and we head upstairs into the spare room to get ready. Even though I don't sleep in the spare room anymore because Carole is never home.. Finn asked me to get ready in there so our room isn't covered in make up.

*Flash Back*

"Babe, when Santana and Brittany come over.. promise me you won't let them in our room" Finn turns round to me with a stern look on his face.

"Yeah okay but why not?" I ask curiously. It's not like we've got nothing to hide.

"Well I don't want make up everywhere.." Finn's reply confuses me.

"But I apply my make up in there?" I ask confused.

"I don't mind you doing it but Santana uses lots and I'm sure she'll drop some if she drinks before hand"

Finn says quickly.

"Finn.. That's my friend your talking about!" I look at him.

"Just promise me, you'll all get ready in the spare room?"

"Okay, I promise"

*End of Flashback*

We're finally finished getting ready as we head outside to find a taxi waiting for us..

"Taxi for Rachel Berry and friends"

The taxi driver calls out after winding the window down.

"I'm Rachel.. But I didn't order a cab?" I reply back confused.

"Your boyfriend thought you'd say that.. He ordered it to make sure you get to your destination safe." A smile appears on my face as I hear aw's behind my back.

"Well enough talking.. Let's head to the party!" Santana shouts and we get into the cab and head to the party.

Finn's POV

Will You Wait For Me? (Finchel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant