Chapter Seven: Two Hours of Hell

Start from the beginning

"I told you, I'm fine." I say

"Well you may think that, but those scratches on your shoulder say otherwise."

I crane my head to look at my right shoulder. Robbie was wrong, those aren't scratches, those are bloody furrows!

"Uh ouch?" I say, not feeling any pain.

"Yeah, ouch." Robbie says, taking my arm in his hands, "Do you feel anything?"

"Uh no?" I say, more of a question than an answer, "But it may just be the adrenaline rush, I felt pain a minute ago."

"Maybe," he says, not daring to voice the other possibility, that the Z transferred some of the disease to me, therefore allowing me not to feel pain, which will probably result in my death. "What about your side?"

I glance down, "I can't feel anything." Which worries me greatly since after that exertion, I should at least feel something.

"LITTLE ZOMBIE HUNTERS!!!!" the voice says, causing both Robbie and I to nearly jump out of our skins, and me to notice that Robbie's hand was resting on the small of my back, WTF was that doing there?!? "I congratulate you on your fast success, unfortunately, due to your skill, we will be releasing the next two waves of Z's together. Have Fun."

"Those murderous bastards!" I yell as the voice cuts out again. So I was right, they aren't going to let us get out of fighting the zombies alive.

"Oh yes, the second and third waves will be coming in ten minutes."


"Allyson honestly, screaming at a voice in thin-air isn't going to do much good." Robbie says, "We've got to be prepared for the next wave of Z's.

"Right got it." I say, and stab the Z at my feet.

"What the hell was that for?!?" Robbie exclaims as I straighten up.

"Well it took us five minutes so, how do we know they aren't all dead...for good."

Robbie shrugs, "Good point."

We walk around the ring of Z's stabbing each one in the forehead. Even thought I've pretty much grown immune to the vileness of zombies, I have to suppress a shudder when I come across the one that I tore it's arm off. It's a girl, about the same age as me, I can feel it. Now that I think about it, ever since I started hunting Z's at fourteen, I've never once came across a Z my own age, which I suppose is odd, considering how many sixteen year old girls were living in the world during That Night, but maybe it's just a coincidence. As for the girl herself, obviously, her arm is missing, flung across the stadium. Black blood gushes from the gaping wound, just barely concealing the blackened, cracked bone that juts out grotesquely. Her face has been rendered unrecognizable, the only discernable feature, a black, unseeing eye, with a stab wound right above it. Strips of rotted flesh hang down, exposing the dirty skull-bone and -in two cases- the rotted, gray sludge that was once a brain.

I tear my gaze away from her ruin of a face and stand up, ignoring the mess of a body, and turn to Robbie, "Done."

He nods, "How much time do you figure we have left?"

I shrug, "No idea, not much,"

"Well in that case then...PARTY!!!"

I laugh, "Robbie you..." but I don't get to finish because at that moment, I feel a sharp twinge in my side.

"Allyson, what's wrong?" Robbie says, the concern evident in his voice.

"Not sure, I felt something really weird." I say, trailing off as it comes again. "This is honestly freaking me out."

"Well do you have any idea what it is?"

"Uh no?" I bend to my right a little bit, and the twinge returns, this time bringing pain with it, "Robbie I think I can feel pain again."

"Oh thank god." he breathes, slouching down.


"Oh yeahhhhhh." Robbie says, "Uh what are we going to do?"

"WELL FOR STARTERS..." But I'm interrupted by the familiar whirring sound. "Damn!"

I don't even think about my side wound, I just sprint as fast as I can to the emerging Z's, I need to feel the battle high again, it's the only thing that will take my mind off the pain, the only thing that can help me and Robbie survive.

"Allyson wait!!!" Robbie yells after me, but I pay him no attention.

"You want to see Zombie hunters in action!?!? Then here you go!!!" I scream as I plow into the mass of Z's, driving my knife into anything I can find.

I've had to of killed at least ten Z's before the battle high creeps up on me. I embrace it like a long lost friend and throw myself even more into the fight, using my legs and arms as weapons, lashing out at any Z that dares come to close. My leg connects with a Z's rotted skull, breaking the bone with a wet crunch and sending the Z to the ground. I plunge my dagger into the eye socket of another, causing pieces of the sightless eye to spurt all over my hand as I use my opposite arm to break another's neck. I wipe the gelatinous mixture on my shirt and whirl around, preparing to face my next opponent, instead I'm greeted with the sight of fifty Z's lying motionless around me, and Robbie looking like a little kid on Christmas.

"Please tell me I did not just kill all those Z's." I say, my voice oddly raspy.

Robbie nods, "Oh yeah, you just took all fifty of those out in like ten minutes. If there was a record for fastest zombie killing, you would be the undisputed champion."

I look around at the carnage I've wrought. Shit. The Immortui must be furious right now. If they thought we were good before, then their minds must have exploded at my latest display, I'm to skilled for my own good. They're never going to let us out of this arena now, we're too dangerous.

I've just sealed our fate

lol, So this is Narglebot, and it seems Boo has left us to go live in the wilderness, with no internet. So we set it up so that I can post the chapters. THat was all explained in the note i left... If you read it...

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