Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven: Crashing back to Reality

I woke up in a bed with pristine white sheets. At first, I thought I was in my hotel room but when I glanced around at the room, it was nothing like it.

When I glimpsed at the floor, I saw my clothes scattered and I looked down at myself and noticed that I was naked. What did I do last night?

I hesitantly turned my head slowly, to the side of the bed next to me. Michael was peacefully lying next to me, inhaling and exhaling gently with his head against the soft pillow. I immediately felt sick. Panic started to strike through my body.

I arose from the bed quickly and grabbed my things. I speed-walked to the bathroom door and shut it quickly behind me. Rapidly, I began to get changed and tried to stop myself from crying. Why had I let this happen?

When I was fully clothed, I left the bathroom and entered to the main living area. I glanced around and noticed my bag lying on the sofa; I grabbed it and hurried to the front door. As I began walking down the pathway of his house, I took my mobile from my bag and dialled Ryan's number. I hoped that he still wouldn't be mad at me for yesterday.

"Hello Ryan, it's Lana. Is there any way you could pick me up?"

Around half an hour had passed and I saw Ryan's car stop. I stood from the large stone that I had been sitting on and strolled to the car. I opened the passenger seat door and got in. Ryan glanced at me and then looked forward towards the road again. He didn't say anything and I could see his jaw clench every now and then.

"Thank you so much for this, Ryan." I said as the car started to move away from Michael's house.

He nodded and that was it. I just looked out of the window.

After about 10 minutes, I started to get sick of the silence. Ryan hadn't said a word but he looked terrible. He looked guilty.

"Ryan, please talk to me." I said, silently.

"What do you want me to say?" He said, emotionless.

"Anything." I replied.

"Okay. You're not the same Lana that I knew in the past." He gazed at me for a second with a really sad expression on his face before focusing back on the road.

What he said, it hurt. That's when I knew that Ryan was really upset with me. Tears began to fill my eyes. The amount of times I had cried in the past few days was beginning to get ridiculous. It was like a routine.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice began to wobble. "Why are you so upset with me?"

"I am upset with you because of what you are doing to yourself. You are focusing on the people who treat you like shit and neglecting the ones who care about you and love you."

I was taken aback by his words.

"That's not true, Ryan." I sniffled.

"It is, Lana."

"It isn't, Ryan. I still care about you guys."

"Really?" He asked, I nodded. "Then, why haven't we seen you in the past few days? You came back to see us and spend time with us but instead you are out with a dickhead who treated you like crap."

He drove the car to a pavement and stopped, turning to me.

"Bam has been worried sick about you, so has Johnny. I have, too. I miss the old Lana. The one who I could talk to and laugh with. But now, you're different. You've changed. We all want you back, we all miss you."

The tears had fallen and a large lump had formed in my throat. Ryan was crying too, not as much as me.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan. I'm so so sorry." I mumbled, practically sobbing at this point. Ryan sniffed and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shirt, soaking it but he didn't care. He held me tightly.

"It's okay, Lana." We let go of each-other and drove back to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel, I went straight to my hotel room. I had a shower and got dressed in something other than the clothes I was wearing last night. When I was done, I heard a knock at my door.

I stepped to it and opened it. It was Bam.

"Hey, Bam." I greeted, smiling.

"Lana, I'm so happy to see you." He pulled me into a hug and I held him tightly back.

We talked for a little while and ordered room service.

A bit later, Bam told me that the Jackass film was almost done which was good but it reminded me of Michael and his plans to sabotage it.

I hope he was satisfied with what I had done to stop it. I felt depressed as soon as I thought of him and last night. I never wanted to drink again. He had taken advantage of me in a weak state. I shouldn't have even allowed him into my life in the first place. I felt hugely dissapointed in myself.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. There's going to be a song at the end of the movie, when the credits are up and they want to do a cool video of us singing it and stuff. Jeff wanted to know if you would be up to it?"

"Sure, it sounds like fun." I agreed and he smiled.

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