Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty Four: The Meeting

Bam didn't speak to me that night. Neither did Ryan. Or Johnny. I felt very lonely but nervous for the next day.

I didn't sleep. I didn't expect to. At 6am, I stood from my bed and took an iced coffee from my mini-fridge. I sipped it while sitting at the edge of my bed. After I finished it, I took a shower and put my hair into a messy bun. I didn't put any make-up on, I probably should have because I looked really tired and rough but I wasn't in the right mood to.

When it was time to leave and meet Michael, I put my black hooded jacket on and left my room. I was wearing a lot of black.

I stepped out of the hotel and saw a sophisticated-looking, charcoal-coloured car with dark windows.

"That can't be his car." I thought but it was. I knew this because the back door of it opened and he stepped out.

The man who I thought I could trust. The man I loved. He was standing before me for the first time in so long.

His dark blond hair was spiking upwards and he had a slight bit of stubble. He was wearing a full suit and a tie too. He would have looked handsome, if I loved him. He gave me a smile and then signalled for me to come nearer to him. I didn't want to but I did.

"Hello, again." He said and I looked to the ground. He held the door open and I got in.

He sat onto the seat beside me and told the driver to start driving to the unknown location. It was a 50 minute drive of silence and I wasn't enjoying it.

It wasn't the same silence that fell around Johnny and me. I was slightly shaking and felt super uncomfortable. I was as close to the window as possible, just to stay away from him. He was dangerous. To me, anyway.

I glimpsed at him every now-and-then. He had a sad expression but I think that was just normal for him. He had really defined cheekbones; I used to love that about him. His personality was my favourite thing about him though. The way he would laugh at my terrible jokes and he cared for me a lot. I would see his smile every day; we would go out almost every day. But he had changed and I had to face it.

The car eventually stopped, finally. I glanced out of the window and saw a large house, it was beautiful. Before I could register anything else, my door swung open and Michael stood holding it. He threw me a forced smile and I sent back a glare. I stood from the car and Michael bent down to be at the same height as the driver's window.

"Come back later to drop her off," He gestured to me. "I'll text you when."

The driver nodded and started to drive away.

"Come on." He walked ahead of me and into the house which I assumed, was his home. I unwillingly followed.

The house was gorgeous. It was modern and beautifully designed. Where did he get the money?

"Do you like the house?" He asked, entering the kitchen.

"It's okay." I answered.

"I had to work hard to get it." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure that you did." I said, very blasé.

He just chuckled and opened the fridge. I leaned against the wall by the door to the kitchen. There was a safe distance between us.

"Why are you living in America, anyway?" I asked.

"I got offered a job here and I took it. I'm happy with my decision." He glanced up to meet my eyes for a moment and then proceeded to take a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. "Why are you here anyway?"

I scoffed. "I'm pretty sure that you know, Michael."

"It's nice hearing you say my name again." He said, opening the cabinet and grabbing two expensive-looking glasses.

"Don't flatter yourself." I mumbled and he chuckled, again.

"I see that you've developed a sterner attitude since we last met." He stated.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Here." He came closer and handed me a glass of the orange juice. I took it, stepping away a little bit.

After a few minutes, we were sitting on his white sofa. I was seated really close to the arm of it and he was sitting normally.

"I've missed you." He mumbled, out of nowhere. I glanced to him and saw a really sincere expression on his face. I felt sad for a few seconds.

"It's not my fault." I replied, looking down.

"I know." He even sounded sad, "And I can't apologise enough for what I did."

"Hmm." I mumbled and took a sip of the orange juice. The sofa was opposite a large window and I noticed the sky was turning grey.

"I was stupid and I can totally understand why you didn't talk to me. I wouldn't talk to me either. It was a stupid mistake. I took advantage of us." His voice was wobbling slightly. I looked back up at him to notice his eyes had become teary. I, stupidly, then started to feel sympathy for him.

"Michael. I didn't come here for this-"

"I know, Lana. But it is the only chance for you to hear me out." He sighed.

"Michael, can you answer one question? Please?" I asked.


"Why are you doing all of this? Is it to get back at me?"

"That's two questions." He chuckled but I didn't laugh.

"Please answer."

"I'm not too sure why I did it. I think it was to get attention from you because I missed you."

"Wow. You wanted to get my attention so you try to screw up my life. Thanks a lot." I stood from the couch and was going to leave but he grabbed my wrist tightly, like Bam did.

He stood and his face was really close to mine. I turned to look away.

"Can you do one thing for me?" He whispered into my ear and I turned around again to look at his face.

"Why should I?!" I was getting angry now. He knew it because his grip tightened on my wrist.

"Because I will stop all of this shit if you do." He whispered slowly into my ear.

"Really?" I asked.


"What do you want?" I asked, expecting the worst.

"Spend the day with me. Act like nothing happened. Just be happy with me, today."

"What?" I think he was officially going insane.

"Let's go out. Go shopping. Go to a restaurant. Please." He looked so sincere and I looked to the ground and nodded. I had to do it or he wouldn't leave me alone.

He smiled and let go of my wrist.

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