Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty: Bam Problems

It was around 3am and I was half-asleep. The date with Johnny had been amazing so I had fallen asleep as soon as my head hit my soft pillow. The room was pitch black and really silent.

My phone started vibrating, to tell me that I had received a message but I ignored it. I just turned away from it lying on my bedside cabinet. After five minutes, I had received around 50 messages. Well, that's what it seemed like.

Then it started ringing. I sat up, slowly. Who the hell was doing this? Then it hit me. Was it Michael?

I didn't touch my phone; I just stared at it waiting for another noise. But that's when I heard rapid knocking at my door which made me jump.

I stood up quickly and rushed to my door. Inhaling first, I unlocked the door and opened it. I was relieved when I found Ryan standing there. He was panting, like he was out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked, opening my door further.

"Lana, you didn't answer any of my calls or- messages. Where were you?" He asked, looking at me concerned.

"I was asleep. Sorry. What's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"Bam. That's what is wrong." He answered, simply. I turned my head slightly.

"Bam?" I replied, confused.

"He left the hotel at around 9 and he hasn't come back."

"Did he tell you where he went?" I asked.

"No. He just said he was going out for fresh air. He's been out for 6 hours now and I'm worried." He glanced down to the floor, "Should we look for him in the hotel?"

"Yes, of course." I rushed into my room and grabbed my coat to cover my pyjamas. I threw a pair of boots on my feet and then shut my door, locking it behind me.

"Let's go." Ryan said, walking beside me to the elevator.

"We should check the lobby first." I stated and he nodded, stepping into the elevator. We waited for it to stop and then arrived into the lobby.

We searched each sofa positioned at the sides of the big lobby and he wasn't lying on any of them. We then searched in the hotel's dinner hall and didn't see him anywhere. It was mainly empty, except for some people who were just arriving at the hotel or were awake.

We strolled back into the main lobby and looked at each-other.

"Where the hell could that bastard be?" Ryan asked, his face was red showing that he was stressed. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"He might just be staying at somebody's house." I reassured him. It didn't work, he looked even worse.

I pulled him into a hug and he tightly held me back. Suddenly, we heard violent puking coming from the men's bathroom. We pulled away and glimpsed at each-other.

"I'll go and have a look." Ryan said, opening the men's bathroom and stumbling in.

"Bam, you dickhead!" I heard Ryan shout from inside. I exhaled loudly. Thank god he was okay.

A few minutes later, Ryan staggered out dragging Bam out with him. Bam's arm was around his neck. He had bags under his eyes and he was squinting.

I ran to him and threw my arms around him. He hugged me back lightly. Tears fell from my eyes.

"Bam, we were worried sick about you." I stated, pulling away from him but still holding his shoulders by arm's length. "Where were you?"

"I went out-I had a drink, that's all. Guys, chill the fuck out." He stuttered and slurred. I looked at Ryan who just rolled his eyes at him.

"Let's get you to bed." I said and grabbed his other arm. We both dragged him into the elevator and Ryan clicked on the button for our floor. It was silent as we waited for the elevator to stop. I could just hear Bam breathing.

'Ding' the elevator stopped at our floor and the door's moved open. Ryan and I kept tight hold of Bam, guiding him to his and Ryan's door.

When we arrived at their room, I had to balance most of Bam's weight on me as Ryan was unlocking the door.

"Urghh." I heard Bam mumble as we placed him on his bed. I took his charcoal boots from his feet and his jacket from his arms and placed them next to his bedside table. Ryan's phone rang so he strolled into the bathroom and answered it. I think it was Jeff.

I grabbed the end of the duvet and pulled it over Bam, he pushed his head into the pillow. I perched next to him on the bed.

"He's okay. Me and Lana found him and took him back to the room." I heard Ryan say from the bathroom. I yawned.

"You can go back to your room if you're tired." I heard Bam mumble. His eyes were still shut.

"No, I'll wait for Ryan to finish talking on the phone." I answered and he chuckled silently. "What?" I smiled.

"I don't know. I just feel really happy and light-headed." Bam opened his eyes slightly and started chuckling again.

"I think that's just tiredness," I replied, I placed my hand on his shoulder, "You should try to sleep."

He put his hand over mine and said, "Thanks, mom."

"Shut up." I answered, giggling. He smirked.

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