Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen: Cleaning

"This is going to take forever to clean up." I stated, pacing the room.

"It was your idea, Lana." Ryan said and I widened my eyes.

"Wait, this was your idea?" Johnny asked, widening his eyes also.

I laughed nervously, blushing. "Don't blame it all on me! Bam and Ryan wanted to do it too."

Johnny opened his mouth to answer but there was a knock at the door that interrupted him.

I ran to the door and opened it rapidly. There was an old woman standing there, she was wearing a maid's uniform.

"Room service," She said, looking at the flour that was scattered everywhere on my body. "I take that I have a lot of cleaning to do."

"Well, we can help." I gave her a full teeth smile. She rolled her eyes and walked past me. Her eyes became bigger when she saw the mess that we had caused.

It must have taken around five hours to fully clean the room and the bill was huge but hey, it was fun. I even made Johnny, Bam and Ryan help me and the lady clean. The cleaner was slightly happy that they helped because it seemed like a lot of work.

During the long five hours, Johnny put his phone onto my speakers and started playing Johnny Cash- She used to love me a lot and I grinned. Bam and Ryan moaned but after a few minutes, Johnny and I were waltzing with the brooms and vacuums. We were really enjoying ourselves and the cleaner started smiling too, she just wouldn't admit it because she was trying to be serious. It seems really cliché, doesn't it?

"I saw her through the window today." I sang, looking at Johnny.

"She was sittin' in the Silver Spoon Café." He sang the next line, chuckling.

"I started to keep going." "But something made me stop." "She used to love me a lot."

We literally sang the whole song, line by line. Yes, I had started to like Johnny Cash. It was influenced by Johnny but his voice was really good.

The song came to an end and we grinned at each other. It got awkward after a bit so I looked away.

"Just get married already." Bam said, in the silence. I turned to him and rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I replied, blatantly. Johnny laughed and we carried on singing.

When we had finished, the cleaner left after getting her tip. I thanked her very much for the help and she was grateful. When I walked back into the room, Ryan and Bam were yawning and they stood up when the door closed.

"Thanks for today, Lana. It was fun." Bam said whilst yawning. He put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug, and then he opened the door and waited for Ryan.

"Bye, Lana." Ryan said, smiling. He hugged me, also, and then walked to their room. I watched them and waved.

When they closed their door, I strolled back into my room to find Johnny lying on my bed. He was on his back and doing something on his phone. I yawned and grabbed a bottle of water from my mini fridge.

Grabbing the remote on my way, I perched onto the end of the bed and turned the television on, looking for a film. I settled on 'Some like it hot' and felt Johnny sit up and move closer.

"I should get going." He said, gently. I turned to see his amazingly handsome face.

"You don't have to." I said, smiling.

"No, it's late," He said, focusing on the television. "Lana, can I ask you something?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Are you doing anything important tomorrow night?"

"I don't think so." I looked back at the television to see Tony Curtis playing his saxophone at a hidden bar located in the basement of a funeral parlour.

"Well, do you want to go for a meal with me?" He asked, stuttering slightly with his words. I had to stop myself from starting to cry due to the adorableness.

"Of course." I turned to him and grinned.

"Great. I'll knock here at 8pm tomorrow?" His hair was spiked upwards like it always was and I loved it.

"That sounds brilliant." I replied and he breathed a sigh of relief. He then stood up and started strolling to the door.

"Okay, I'm going to go." He said, before opening the door.

"Wait." I said and he turned back to me, "What if I had something planned for tomorrow night but it just wasn't important?"

"Then I would have told you to cancel it." He said, acting cool before walking away. I watched him as he got to the door. He waved before shutting it.

I stepped back into my room and leaned against my door after shutting it. He had actually asked me to go out with him. Wow.

I was so happy; I jumped onto my bed and leaned against the headboard. I smiled as I watched the last hour of 'Some like it hot'. I eventually fell asleep with the television still on.


"You pair of dickheads" Brandon Dicamillo shouted before running up the stairs away from us. Bam and I high-fived each other before laughing really hard.

"We sure got him." Bam said, placing the flour back onto the kitchen counter. I nodded and laughed in agreement.

"What did I miss?" Ryan asked, rubbing his eyes and making his way into the kitchen.

"This." Bam said before slamming a load of flour into Ryan's face.

"Bam!" I shouted before grabbing a tea towel for Ryan to wipe his face with.

"Thanks, Lana." Ryan took the towel and wiped his face with it.

"Don't mention it." I replied, he smiled. I loved Ryan, I wished he was my older brother. He was almost done wiping his face when I felt something scatter over my hair.

I noticed straight away when I turned to see Bam running away quickly. He had thrown flour all over me.

"Bam, you idiot!" I shouted, Ryan picked up the flour and looked at me.

"Shall we?" He asked, gesturing to the flour. I nodded.

"Yes, we shall." We sped after Bam around the back garden until I grabbed him and tackled him to the ground. Ryan then hit him in the face with the powder and we both ran as fast as we could away from him.

"Revenge is sweet." Ryan said, smirking. He put his arm around me and I smiled towards him.

"It sure is." I replied and we strolled back into the house.

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