Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty Three: Another Encountering

"Hey guys!" Jeff greeted us and Ryan and Bam hugged him. We were outside, the building that was used for filming in was next to us.

"What's up, Jeff?" Bam said.

"Nothing much." He answered, "I need you guys to go see Rick. He'll tell you what stunts you are doing." They both nodded and walked away. Jeff noticed me.

"How are you, Lana?" He stood nearer to me.

"I'm good, Jeff. How are you?" I asked, smiling.

"Not too good, to be honest." He answered, his face became a little bit sadder.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"It's nothing much, it's just... I've been having so many problems lately, with the movie. There's this guy and he thinks the movie is not going to be good enough to be in cinemas. He has a really high position in 'movie-making business." He sighed.

"Do you know who he is?" I asked.

"Yes, his name is Michael something. Urmm, Michael Jones. That's it," My breathing hitched but he didn't notice, "He was in the meeting with Knoxville and I this morning."

"Oh, I'm sure the movie is going to be okay." I stuttered and walked away fast.

I found a portable toilet and opened the door, stepping in. I clutched the walls to stop myself from falling. I was stupid enough to think that he would leave me alone. Why did I do that?

I perched onto the lid of the toilet and started crying. My hands covered my face. What if Michael completely sabotaged this movie? The crew and cast had worked so hard to create it.

After a few minutes of sobbing, I stood and glanced in the mirror that was hanging on the back of the door. My mascara had run down my cheeks and was smeared. I sighed and pulled a few squares of toilet paper, wiping under my eyes. It wasn't working; it just made the smeared mascara go further across my face. I then decided to just wash my face with the water in the small sink.

It would be my fault. If this movie was a waste of time, it would be my fault.

I forcefully pushed the door open and stepped out. Nobody was around, thank god. There was nobody to see my naked face and red eyes.

At this moment, I was pretty much wondering why I had even come back to America. It was a stupid idea. Whenever I was around, something bad would happen.

I speed-walked to the exit and proceeded to walk out of the gates until,

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard Bam's voice and turned around to see him leaning on the tall gates, smoking a cigarette.

"Why are you smoking?" I asked, ignoring his last question.

"I haven't packed it in yet. Anyway, where are you going?" He had a concerned face when he glanced at my full face. Tears sprang to my eyes.

"Leave me alone, please." I said, quietly and turning to walk away but I suddenly felt him grab my wrist.

"Lana, tell me what's wrong." He ordered. I glimpsed at his shining eyes.

"Nothing is wrong, Bam." I mumbled.

"Why are you leaving, then?" He asked, repeating himself slightly.

"I want to go for a walk." I said, glancing at the ground.

"Have you been crying?"

"No, Bam. Just please let me go." He stood nearer to me.

"Lana, seriously, you're worrying me." He threw his cigarette on the floor and applied pressure onto it with his shoe; he was still holding my wrist tightly.

"There is nothing wrong, Bam! Just leave me alone!" And with that, I yanked my arm away from his and started running along the sidewalk. I heard him start to run after me.

"Lana!" He shouted, he was out-of-breath already. I heard him stop but I carried on running.

My hair was being blown against and my heart was pacing rapidly. I was having one of those moments when you can't stop. I had to keep running.

I eventually made it to the hotel and swiftly made my way to the room I had been staying in. I fumbled around with my keys and when I had found the right one, I slotted it into the key-hole and turned the knob. I pushed it open quickly and ran in, slamming it behind me.

The tears poured out then. The barrier in my eyes had broken and the tears were being released. I ruffled in my bag to find my mobile. The screen lit up and I swiped to unlock it.

Nobody was going to stop me. Not now.

I took a really deep breath in and clicked the contact. It was the number that Michael had called me from. I heard it dial and he eventually picked up.

"Hello, dear." I heard him mutter.

"Why are you doing this, Michael?!" I nearly wailed into the phone.

"Doing what?" He asked.

"You know, Michael. You know exactly what I am talking about!"

"I really don't." He answered, snidely.

"Are you basically trying to make my life hell?" I asked him. My voice was shaky.

"Lana, honey, you have never ever given me a chance. I loved you, I loved you so much. But you didn't love me back so-"

"I loved you! I did! You know that, stop lying!" I interrupted.

"You did?"

"Yes. Until I found you in my bed with that whore." I was shaking myself now.

"She wasn't a whore." His voice was less agonising now and more sincere.

"She may not have been to you." I said and I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Look, Lana. I have to go."

"Meet me." I ordered.

"What?" He was obviously confused.

"Meet me." I repeated, "Tomorrow, outside the hotel."

I heard him sigh. "Fine. I'll pick you up at 9am and we'll go somewhere private."

"Fine. Bye." But before I could hang up, I heard,

"Wait, Lana. Don't bring any of your 'Jackass' friends." Then he hung up.

I fell backwards onto my bed and closed my eyes. Why was my life becoming so fucked up?

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