Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty Five: Day with the Enemy

"I think this would suit you." He said, holding up a pastel mint green dress. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was playing happy families with somebody I hated. Well, I didn't hate him, I disliked him.

"Yep." I said, plainly. I took it and put it into the basket without acknowledging it properly. He looked a little fed up with my miserable attitude.

"Let's go get coffee." He said and we paid for the clothes, stepping into the busy street.

We found a Starbuck's and entered it. I thought of Ryan and I's visit to the Starbuck's near the hotel and smiled. What would he think if he saw me here with Michael?

He would be worried for me, I know that. So would Bam. I think that Bam would be more annoyed than worried, though.

Michael sat opposite me and kept grinning, annoyingly. I kept looking outside. The situations that I got myself into were ridiculous.

A few hours later...

We had strolled into many shops and were back into the busy streets.

"This isn't working, is it?" He asked with a look of disappointment on his face.

I shook my head and he looked even worse. I felt like I was being harsh on him but I wasn't going to be played around with. That was what I used to be like, the girl who put her trust into people easily. But Michael and I had chemistry. Does that make a difference?

"I'm sorry. You can leave if you want." He said, looking sad.

He loved me and I knew it. He still cared for me, even after I completely stopped talking to him. It was years ago. It was the past. Just because I don't trust people easily anymore doesn't mean I don't forgive people easily.

"No..." He glanced deep into my eyes and I could see that he was a troubled person. He seemed shocked by my reply.

"What?" He asked. The busy shoppers scrambled around and passed us.

"I will go out with you. Tonight. But I haven't forgiven you. Not yet." I explained, confused by why I was doing this, saying these things. He nodded eagerly.

"Okay. I will pick you up at 8pm. Do you want my Driver to come and drop you off at your hotel now?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No. I'll get a cab." I answered and he put his hand into his trouser pocket. He placed $60 into my hand. "Michael, you don't need to-"

"My pleasure." He replied, kissing my cheek. He then smiled for the last time and then turned to walk the opposite way. I watched him until my sight became blurred.

What the fuck was I doing? I was playing his game like an idiot. I didn't realise until he had gone that I was acting like a puppet and the strings were being controlled by him. I felt embarrassed when I realised that it looked like I was wrapped around his little finger.

The tears sprung to my eyes as I made my way through the crowds of busy pedestrians to reach the main street. I think I loved him. I still loved him.

Multiple taxis were parked near the sidewalk. I found a free one and opened the door, getting in.

"Where to, love?" The man asked, I told him the address of my hotel and he nodded.

I leaned against the window and pulled my black hood up over my head. I wanted somebody. Anybody. I needed someone to talk to. I sat still for a few minutes, thinking of the contact list on my phone. Johnny- No, he would be worried. Bam- No, he would worry too. Ryan?

Ryan can be trusted to not tell anybody anything. I didn't think about it much before I took my phone from my pocket and pressed his contact. It rang out a couple times.

"Hello, Lana? Are you okay?" He asked, concerned already.

"Hi Ryan. I'm fine." I mumbled back. I didn't want the driver to hear my conversation.

"Good. What's up?" He asked after sighing with relief.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something." I sniffed to stop my tears from releasing again.

"Are you sure you're okay, Lana?"

"Listen, you can't tell anybody. Even, Bam. Bam would go crazy if he knew."

"Okay. I promise, Lana. You've told me secrets before and I've never told anybody."

"True. Okay, I've just been out with someone"

"Who?" His worried voice was starting to appear again.

"Michael." I almost whispered. I hated saying his name.

"Isn't that the guy that Bam doesn't like?"

"Yes." I replied. Ryan sighed.

"Lana, why did you see him?" He had a disappointed voice and I felt immediately guilty.

"He tried to stop the Jackass film from getting to cinemas." I whispered, scared of his reaction.

"WHAT?!" I moved the phone away from my ear for a few seconds and then placed it back.

"He has stopped now, though. Ryan, trust me, he won't do it again."

"You aren't seeing him again are you?" He asked, concerned and my breathing hitched.

"Yes." I replied and he sighed. "Tonight. I'm going out with him."

"Lana, do you realise how stupid you are being?" He said, he sounded really horrible. I had never expected Ryan to talk to me in that way.

"I'm not being stupid, Ryan." I stated. "I'm not!"

"Yes you are, Lana," Ryan said, "You are defending somebody who cheated on you. I don't have time for this right now; I'll speak to you later. Bye."

"Bye" I muttered and he hung up. I stared at my phone.

Was Ryan actually getting sick of me? We approached a red light and the sky turned even greyer and the rain tapped onto the windows. Ryan had always been there for me. I think that was why it was so hard to understand what had just happened.

I breathed in and tried to control my tears. This was going to be a long drive.

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