Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen: The date

"Hello, you look beautiful." I had just opened the door to find Johnny casually standing there.

He was wearing a white shirt, one button undone and dark jeans too. He wore black converse and his leather jacket also. He looked amazing.

"You look really cool yourself, Johnny." I smirked and stepped out, shutting the door behind me. He chuckled at my statement and we began to walk to the elevator.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I asked as we waited for the elevator to come to a halt.

"Well, I've reserved a table at a really good restaurant in town. We don't have to go if you don't want to." He explained and I grinned.

"No, I want to." I said, as he exhaled and gave me a large smile. We stepped out of the elevator and walked to the entrance.

We hopped into a taxi that he had ordered and it was only a 20 minute drive.

"It's not as long as the first drive that we had together." He chuckled, the drive from the airport to the set. It seemed so long ago now. Everything had happened so fast!

"That's when we didn't really know each-other." I stated. I could see him in the corner of my eye, sitting beside me in the taxi. The sky had gotten so dark.

I felt his hand grab mine and saw him turn to look at me, properly. I turned to look at him in his deep, brown eyes that sparkled in the light from the moon that was in the midst of a few clouds.

"I'm so happy that I got to know you, Lana and I'm so sorry that I didn't get to know you back when we last saw each-other, before you moved to England." He said, and I felt something deep within my stomach. I think I loved him.

"Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. I didn't really get to know you either so I apologise, too." He grinned and kept hold of my hand for the rest of the journey.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Johnny strolled around the car and opened the door for me. He thanked the driver and then led me through the entrance, into the restaurant.

The waitress took us to the table and it had a candle in the middle and a small vase of roses next to it. We sat down and looked at the menu.

I could see him glancing at me over the menu a few times. Our eyes would meet for a few seconds and then he would look back down at the menu again.

An hour later...

"I had no friends in England. It was really boring," I explained, he glimpsed at my face and back to my eyes again, "That's why I was so happy to come back to America to see Bam and the 'Jackass' crew again."

"Why did you go to England?" He asked, sipping more of the expensive red wine. The candle-light looked extraordinary against his face.

"Well, my mother lost her job and my father got an offer to work in a company that paid quite a lot for his position. He was happy about it; he was willing to take it. But then he found out that the company was based in England and he decided that it wasn't a good idea after all. My mother was the one who decided that he couldn't let this offer pass, so we moved and he worked there."

"Oh." He poured himself a little bit more wine and then glanced back up at me. "Well, I'm glad that you're back."

I smiled and gave a small giggle, "Thanks."

After another half an hour, we decided to leave. I linked my arm with his and we walked along the sidewalk. The city had lit up and the sky was even darker. He was taller than many guys his age, I had to admit. But he wasn't too tall, he was no real giant.

"So what do you want to do now?" Johnny stopped and turned to me. The pavements and roads had emptied slightly and I could only see people going into restaurants and bars now. There were shops shutting too.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" I asked, his eyes were gleaming under the lamp-post light. I loved it when they did.

I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see 3 teenage girls grinning widely.

"Is that Johnny Knoxville?" One of the girls asked the girl standing next to her, nudging them slightly.

"Yes, Britney it is. Ask him for a picture!" She answered and then nudged the other girl. She stepped closer.

"Urmm, can we have a picture please? We're big fans." She asked, slightly nervous. Johnny chuckled.

"Yes, of course." I stepped out of the way as he walked nearer to the girls. "What's your name?"

They were all skinny and had blonde hair, which was probably dyed. They were definitely the type of girls that I didn't hang around with in high school. I didn't go near them, in fact.

One of the girls was wearing a neon pink crop-top and the neckline was very low, it may as well have been two sizes too small. She was also wearing denim shorts that were short shorts. Johnny looked awkward when he posed for a picture with her, she was pouting.

The other two girls looked the same but not as confident.

"Thanks, Johnny." They said, smiling with their extraordinarily white teeth.

"No problem." They turned to walk away, their long hair swaying. They looked like triplets. I had never judged somebody else to this extent before. Was I jealous?

"Are you okay?" Johnny turned to me, still wearing the perfect smile on his face.

"I'm fine." I replied, he let me link with his arm again and we carried on walking along the sidewalk. We were stepping with the same rhythm.

We decided that we would go back to the hotel and call it a night. He phoned a cab and it arrived reasonably quickly.

"I had a really good time tonight. Thank you for this." He told me, leaning against my door frame.

"I really enjoyed myself." I beamed, leaning next to him. He smiled and came closer.

He moved his face near mine and kissed me softly on my cheek. I could smell his delicious cologne.

"Goodnight." He whispered his southern accent into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He then walked out of the door and down the corridor to his room. He waved and smirked at me before shutting his door.

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