Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty Six:A night of regret?


"What's wrong, Lana?" Ryan asked me, with a worried look. He scooted closer to me on the sofa and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Ryan, I don't know how to tell you this." I breathed a sigh and gazed into his shining eyes whilst mine were already filling with tears. "I'm leaving America."

His mouth opened widely in shock and he looked really sad.

"Lana." He pulled me into a tight hug and I cried into his shoulder. I heard him sniff loudly every now-and-then. He was probably crying too.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan." We let go and looked at each-other properly. "I wish we weren't. It wasn't my decision."

"It's not your fault, Lana," A couple of tears ran down his cheek and he wiped mine away with his finger. "Let's just make the most of the time left."

"Okay." I tried my best to smile and he did too. He hugged me once more and after a few minutes, he left. I sat on my parent's sofa and stared at the living room. I had grown up in this home and I was leaving.

I heard the front door open and my Mother walked into the living room.

"Why aren't you doing your homework?" My mother asked, sternly. I stood up.

"Nice to see you, too." I said, sarcastically while walking past her. She glared at me and then sat down where I had been sitting.

I ran upstairs to my room.

I looked in my mirror. My make-up was done and I just needed to get changed. I looked in my wardrobe and picked out a plain black dress that fell above my knees and a pair of black heeled shoes.

When I had finished getting ready, I was satisfied by the way I looked. I had ten minutes so I took my bag and made sure I had everything in it.

When it was time to go, I opened the door and stepped out, locking it behind me. I glanced down each side of the corridor and it was empty. I put the keys into my bag and clicked the button for the elevator.

When it dinged, the doors opened quickly and Johnny was standing there.

"Hello, Johnny." I greeted, grinning.

"Oh, hello Lana." He didn't sound too impressed. He walked past me and to his room. I watched him and before he entered his room, he glanced back to me and then stepped in. Was he not talking to me?

I shook the thoughts from my head and entered the elevator. I took deep breaths as it lowered to the ground floor.

He was there, again, in the same position as last time. Well, his driver was. Michael stood out from the back seats of the car and he was wearing a suit that looked more expensive than the one he wore before. His hair was neatly combed too.

He held the door open for me and I got in. He strolled around the car and made his way to the seat next to me.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him, smiling. And it was a genuine smile.

"You'll see." He smirked.

"Okay then." I said, glancing out the window at the hotel. I looked to Johnny's window and didn't expect to see him standing there, watching our car move from outside the hotel. A sea of guilt washed over me. What had I done?

I felt independent again. But in a bad way. I felt like all of my friends in America had left me the same way that I had left them.

It was twenty minutes before we got to the venue, a restaurant. Michael led me into it and we were seated at a nicely decorated table. There was a silver bucket of ice; two champagne bottles were pushed into it, in the middle of the table. Alongside that was a candle and a rose in a miniscule, clear vase.

The waiter pulled my chair out for me and I thanked him, sitting down. When I was seated, I glanced upwards to be met by Michael's eyes. I looked away to the waiter who was giving us our menu's.

Half an hour later...

We had ordered our meals and poured our champagne. I had already had far too many glasses of it. But I kept thinking about Johnny and sipping the alcohol helped the thought leave my brain for a few minutes.

"Are you okay, Lana? You are drinking the champagne awfully fast." He asked and I nodded.

"I am fine. As fine as I could be, Michael." I slightly slurred and he chuckled.

I hardly touched the dinner. Just moved things around the plate. I wasn't hungry. I was parched. Thirsty for a cure to get rid of the war being played in my head. On one team was Johnny, Ryan and Bam whilst on the other, there was only me.

Michael finished his meal and didn't want anything else.

"Do you want to leave now?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Where to now, then?" I asked and he chuckled.

"My house? I have more champagne." He knew that would win me over at that time. So we got into the car and his driver drove us to his large home.

Michael thanked the driver and placed his arm around my waist to guide me to his house using the path. I hesitated at first but I gave in. He held his front door open for me to walk through.

He led me into the living area, and then paced to the kitchen to get the champagne. He returned to the living room holding a key and made his way to a set of doors.

He opened the balcony doors and I strolled to the railing, gobsmacked by the view. The sky was surprisingly clear tonight and the moon was huge.

A few drinks later, I was leaning against the railings of the balcony. My head was dizzy and I felt sleepy.

Suddenly, I felt two hands being placed on my waist and I turned around to be met with Michael's eyes. He turned me around to face him and moved one of his hands to the side of my head. He moved his lips to mine and I didn't move them away. Nothing bothered me at that time.

Our lips danced in sync and his moved down to my neck. I had lost a lot of control over myself.

Before I knew it, he had pushed me against the balcony railings and was throwing a lot of passion into his kisses. I wasn't giving much back.

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