Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty Two: Steve-O and Chris

I held onto one of Chris Pontius' arms whilst Steve-O held the other. We dragged Chris to the elevator the same way that Ryan and I did with Bam. Ryan just strolled behind us, carrying his large bags of candy, laughing at us struggling. That earned him a lot of glares from Steve-O and I.

"Why are you guys awake anyway?" Steve-O asked the both of us when the elevator doors had closed. Chris was snoring and was leaning on me, mostly.

"We had the same problem with Bam this morning." I explained, gesturing to Chris.

"Ohh," Steve-O said, "You must be pretty tired."

"Yes, we are." Ryan spoke up from behind us.

"Steve-O, you are going to have to guide me. I don't know where your room is." I said when the doors opened. He nodded and then led us through two corridors until we got to his door.

"Dunn, come and hold Chris while I unlock this door." Steve-O ordered. Ryan grabbed Chris and he unlocked the door swiftly.

"That's his bed there," Steve-O pointed at the first double bed in the room and Ryan and I staggered over to it and placed Chris down. "Thanks guys."

"Don't mention it." Ryan said, perching on an arm chair in the corner of the room. Their room was similar to mine but slightly bigger and the furniture was arranged differently.

I walked and sat on the other arm chair. I could hear Chris start to snore loudly.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep now." Steve-O said, annoyed, and walked into his bathroom to have a shower.

"We've helped two drunken people get to their room safely in one day. This should be our job, Lana." Ryan said, acting like it was a legitimate job.

"Oh no. I'd hate to have that as a job." I argued against it.

"Screw you, then. I'd be getting all the credit anyway." He chuckled and I laughed.

"Shut up-guys! Can't you see that I'm trying to sleep here?!" Chris shouted and slurred, from his bed.

"Yes, we can!" Ryan yelled loudly and Chris winced, putting his hands over his ears.

"You fucker." He mumbled, putting his head back into the pillow.

Steve-O opened the bathroom door and walked out, jumping onto his bed. He grabbed his remote and turned the television on. He turned it to a Sport's channel and then placed the remote back down onto the bed beside him.

"Are you going to the set today, Lana?" Steve-O asked me and I glanced upwards to look at him.

"If you guys want me to." I answered and Steve-O smiled.

"Of course we want you to." Ryan said, staring at the phone in his hands.

"Yeah. You're really cool." Steve-O added.

"Thanks, Steve-O." I grinned. Steve-O was such a friendly character.

"No problem. Water?" Steve-O reached from his bed to open his mini-fridge and grabbed a bottle of water from there.

"Sure." I said, smiling and he threw it to me. I caught it and was pretty proud of myself. I usually have the worst co-ordination in the world.

I opened it and drank some of it. "Thanks."

After an hour, Ryan and I decided to check on Bam so we said Goodbye to Steve-O and a sleeping Chris. We took the elevator to the lobby and then walked back to our side of the hotel, getting another elevator and making our way to his room.

He unlocked it and we both walked in. Bam was awake and was on his phone. He still had the duvet around him and the bags were still sitting underneath his eyes. He sat up when he heard the door open.

"Dunn, did you get me a coffee?" He asked Ryan, straight away.

"I didn't, sorry." Ryan said, walking over to his bed and jumping onto it, turning the television on.

Bam rolled his eyes and sunk back into his mattress.

"I can get you some aspirin. I have some in my room." I said and Bam lit up.

"Please. I will love you forever." He said, sitting back up.

"I thought you did already." I accused, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged and smiled.

I shut their door behind me and walked to my own, unlocking it too. I searched through my suitcase and found a pack of aspirin. I took a sleeve out because I did want some for myself, just in case. When I stepped out of my room, I almost bumped into Johnny.

"Hello." He said, smiling. His hair was messy and you could tell he had only just woken up.

"Hello, how are you this morning?" I asked, grinning back.

"I'm fine. Tired, but fine. How are you?"

"I'm tired too."

"You aren't usually up at this time." Johnny stated.

"I know. I haven't been asleep since 3am. Bam was missing so Ryan and I went looking for him." I explained, yawning whilst doing so.

"Did you find him?" Johnny asked, concerned.

"Oh yes. We found him puking in the men's bathroom in the lobby." I said and Johnny smiled. "Where are you going anyway?"

"I'm meeting Jeff and the crew. Just another meeting about the film." He glanced down to his watch, "I better get going actually."

"Okay, I'll see you later." I said, grinning.

"Bye." He hurried to the elevator while I hurried to Ryan and Bam's room before Bam threw a tantrum over not having the aspirin yet.

An hour later...

"Bam, are you dressed yet?" I shouted into his bathroom and Ryan chuckled.

"No!" He shouted back. I sighed.

"We are already late." I told Ryan while sitting back down on the bed. He came and sat next to me.

"He takes his time. He should be ready in a few minutes." He said. To my surprise, the bathroom door opened and Bam walked out wearing his usual attire.

"Are you ready now?" I asked him and he nodded. I walked to their door and opened it, stepping out.

We walked to the elevator and made our way to the ground floor, stepping into the lobby.

"After you." Bam said to me, holding the door open for me.

"That's not like you." I said, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged.

"Well, you did give me aspirin." He explained and I nodded. We approached Ryan's car.

"Shotgun!" I practically screamed, smirking. Bam rolled his eyes.

Ryan got into the driver's seat and I was beside him in the passenger seat. When Bam had actually gotten into the car, we started our drive to the set.

We listened to Punk-Rock music all the way there but I wasn't too bothered. I was in a really great mood that day. And as Ryan drove, I opened the window and laid back in my seat. The wind blew my hair and it felt amazing. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was the bluest blue. I saw Ryan's sun glasses on his dashboard and grabbed them, putting them on. He chuckled whilst concentrating on the road.

I turned around in my seat and Bam was leaning against one of the windows in the back of the car. He had sunglasses on over his closed eyes. He was gently swaying and rocking to the music. I smiled at him.

"I've missed these drives." Ryan said, out of nowhere. "When Bam, you and I would get into my car whenever we were bored and just drive. We would listen to music and talk about anything and everything."

"I know. I missed them too. I'm so happy to be back, Ryan." I smiled and put my hand on Ryan's shoulder. He put one of his hands, the other was still guiding the steering wheel, over it and grinned.

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