Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty One: Coffee with Ryan

I had strolled back to my room and fell into my bed, urging myself to fall asleep but I couldn't.

I sighed and pushed myself up from the bed, unsteadily, walking into my bathroom to take a shower. When I got out, I put some make-up on and got dressed. I did all of that very slowly and when I looked at my clock, again, it was 7am, way too early.

I grabbed my phone and cleared all the text and missed call notifications from last night, well, this morning. I felt it vibrate, it was at text from Ryan.

"Are you awake?" I read it and started typing.

"Yes, I can't sleep." I sent to him.

"Do you want to go and get a coffee?" I received from him.

"Yes, I need one."

"Okay, meet me outside my room in a few minute.s"

"Okay." I replied and stood up from my bed.

I put some perfume on and grabbed some money from my purse and put it in my pocket. I couldn't be bothered carrying a bag with me. I also put my phone in the other.

I grabbed my brown, hooded jacket and threw it on before walking out of my door and locking it after me. I turned and saw Ryan locking his too.

"Hello." I greeted, walking towards him. He had bags under his eyes and I was pretty sure that I had a pair too.

"Hello, Lana." He said with his friendly smile. I strolled beside him into the elevator and when it stopped, we made our way out of the hotel and to the Starbucks around the corner.

Because it was early, there were only around 3 people in Starbucks. They looked like business people. Every now and then, people wearing blazers would walk in, order a drink and then leave with it.

"So, how was last night?" We both had a cappuccino and were sitting opposite each-other on a table by the window.

"It was good." I grinned, trying to sip the cappuccino but failing because it was boiling hot. I placed it back in the saucer.

"Just good." He winked and I rolled my eyes. He chuckled at this, making me giggle.

"Nothing happened if that's what you're hinting." I said, seriously. He nodded.

"That's a shame. I was looking forward to the 'girl talk'." He said the last part in a high pitched tone. "That's what girl's do isn't it? Talk about their crushes and dates with their friends."

"You're not a girl, Ryan." I informed him like he didn't know.

"Well, you don't have many girl-friends, do you?" He said sarcastically, raising his eyebrow.

"I have my aunt." I answered him, grinning at how much of a loner I made myself sound like.

"I'll give you that. April is amazing." He smiled and I nodded.

"Agreed." I said, sipping my now-cool cappuccino. Ryan had already finished his. "How the hell did you finish that cappuccino so quick? It was boiling!"

"I've done worse than burn my mouth." He simply said, smirking. I laughed.

"Well, I know that." I replied and he laughed too.

"I think everybody who has watched Jackass knows that too. Sticking a toy car up your asshole isn't fun." He said and I cringed.

"Ryan, I'm still drinking my coffee!" I placed my cup back on the table, disgusted with the image in my head.

"Oh yeah, sorry." He said, chuckling. I begin to crack up laughing too.

"Anyway, back to Knoxville. Do you like him?" He asked, stopping his laughing.

"Yes, very much so." I answered, plainly.

"Awwww. Lana's in love. Lana's in love." He chanted, looking amused. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up!" I ordered, looking around me to see if anybody was looking. Nobody was. There was nobody in Starbuck's to look at us.

"Okay, okay." He said, grinning.

We sat there until it turned 8:15am and we decided to leave. We strolled beside each other, Ryan cracking random jokes every now and then. I would giggle.

After a few minutes, I saw Ryan stop walking beside me, in the corner of my eye and I turned to him. He was looking at the shop next to him. It was a sweet shop.

"Do you want to go in?" I asked Ryan, smiling.

"Of course." His mouth was turned into a full smile. He opened the door and held it open for me to walk in after him.

After the door shut, he ran over to the jars of colourful sweets and started to pick what he wanted. I laughed at how much he looked like a child.

"Aren't you getting anything?" He asked, as he literally dropped everything on the cashier's desk. It looked like he had about 30 bags worth of sweets.

"Oh, I'm fine." I said as the cashier scanned everything.

"I'll get you this for being a good friend." He grinned whilst throwing a Hershey's chocolate bar onto the pile.

"Thanks." I leaned against the desk next to him.

Around 10 minutes later, we were out of the shop and Ryan was carrying two bags of sweets with one of his hands and eating some of his candy with the other. I had eaten my chocolate bar.

"You are really going to feel sick later. It's so early in the morning to eat candy." I explained, I sounded like his mother.

"Yolo." He said, smirking. He meant it ironically, hopefully.

"Don't say that again, please, ever again." I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel again, we were not expecting to see Chris Pontius lying on one of the sofas.

"Oh my god." Ryan chuckled and ran up to him, I followed.

He was fast asleep and smelled like vodka. His mouth was hanging open and he had no top on, just black pants and white trainers.

"Is he yours?" I heard somebody ask behind me. I turned around to see somebody with a hotel uniform on and an annoyed expression on his face.

"Urmm, yes he's our friend." I answered, trying to be serious but starting to smile.

"Well, can you get him out of here. He came in here about half an hour ago and just fell asleep there. He couldn't even walk straight." He ordered in his high pitched voice. He turned and walked back to the desk. Ryan took his phone from his pocket and dialled Steve-O's number.

"Hi, it's Ryan. I know-I know, it's early. But you have to come and get Chris. He-He fell asleep in the lobby. Please Steve-Okay, we'll see you in a minute." Ryan kept getting interrupted by Steve-O.

"I have just woke him up." Ryan said to me, putting his phone back into his pocket and I chuckled.

We waited around 10 minutes until Steve-O had come downstairs. The man who worked at the hotel was staring at us with the same annoyed expression for the whole time. He seemed relieved when he saw Steve-O.

Steve-O was literally just wearing a white robe and flip flops. He sighed when he saw Chris. He looked tired.

"Somebody will have to help me." He insisted in his husky voice.

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