Chapter 18: Angels

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Gasper, please come out. It's my fault for pushing you into going with Issei." It was late one evening, and Gasper had locked himself in his room, a contract had gone array and now he had to keep himself in there, if only to save his own sanity, and Rias could only apologize as she placed her hand on the door. "I thought that if you worked with Issei, it maybe for your benefit as well..."

"I'm gone for couple of seconds and he's already inside his Bat Cave hiding in his Bad Coffin because he's a Bat Person." I complained. "And seriously Tomato, Issei's clients is a bunch of weirdo. You that change him to be brave? He's shedding tears of fear!"

"Don't play the blame game on me!"

"IT'S YOUR FAULT TO BEGIN WITH, WOMAN! Besides, it's a wooden door, just bust it down."

"I'm not doing that!" Rias cried out.

"I was only joking, you don't have to take it so seriously." I chuckled slightly.

"...You weren't joking..." Bill pointed out. "You thought of summoning a rocket launcher."

'Everything is better with explosion.'

"Fueeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Gasper could be heard crying to the point of dying, even Issei winced. "I-I...don't need such a Sacred Gear! B-Because I stop everyone! I scare them! I make them dislike me! Even I dislike it! I don't want to stop my f-friends and c-comrades...Anymore of having to look at the face of my cherished ones' stopped...I-I don't want that..."

"What a quandary..." Rias let out a big exhales. Her facial expression bears the look of despair. "For making this kid to once again shut himself in...I am a failure as a King."

Issei looked towards Rias with a look of concern, before responding. "Buchou, isn't your meeting with Lord Sirzechs and the others in a short while from now?"

"Yes, but I will extend the time a bit more. I have to make sure that Gasper is all right first-"

"Please leave the rest to me." I suggested. "I will do something about it."

"(Y/N)...a-are you sure?" Rias looked at me with as shocked expression on her face.

"Positive. The bosses of the three great powers are going to assemble and that setting is important. If something inconvenient occurs on the same day, with just that the gap between them may increase much more."

Rias nodded her head in agreement and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Alright, I got it. Can I count on you?"

"Would you ever doubt me?'

Rias glanced at the door before leaving for the preparation for the meeting. Both of us twins took a deep breath and turned towards the door. Gently, my finger tabbed on the door and gently sat down on the floor, and hugged my knees followed by Issei.

"Gasper, we're right here. When you want to come out, we'll be right here." I told him.


There was no sound coming from the room. So we waited, and waited. Our eyes didn't leave the door, waiting for Gasper to come out. We were like a statue and didn't move at all.

"Kid, I heard about what happened in your past, with the Sacred Gear, and how you were bullied by your family, and people that should care about you." I told him. "And your powers to stop time, it must be truly terrifying, right?"

"...." Though there was no noise from the other side of the door, I knew that he was listening deeply to the conversation.

"I also possess a Sacred Gear in which the strongest Dragon resides in." Issei decides to join in the conversation. "Heck, my brother possess a godly-like power from a one-eyed Dorito looking Dream Demon wearing top hat from the Nightmare Realm."

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