Chapter 5: Hallelujah

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(Y/N)'s POV

"I'm glad that all of you are safe." Rias said with a concerned expression on her face. She hugged both of me and Asia tightly. "Are you injured?"

"All three of us are safe, Buchou." Issei reassured him. "Besides, there's no way Irina going to attack his boyfriend."

"Oi!" I got a tick mark on my forehead, glaring at my twin brother. I then looked at Rias with a small smile. "Don't worry Rias. We go way back. Even though I almost got sliced in half by that blue haired chick, but we become friends."

"You just love to annoy her judging by the way you speak." Issei sweatdropped.

"And thus, you are right." I agreed with him while shrugging my shoulder.

"After the normal club activity, I was called in by Sona and was listening to the story about people related to the Church intruding the town." Rias explained with a serious expression on her face. "And I also heard that they have a Holy Sword with them."

"That's why I felt Holy Aura coming out of them." I nodded my head before snapping my finger, remembering about something. "Just to let you know before you're too surprised, Yuuto's sister is here to."

They turned their heads towards me with surprised look on their faces. "K-Kiba's sister, the one we talked about last night?" Rias asked. "B-But, I thought she was..."

"She was taken away hours before Yuuto and the others were 'disposed of'" I explained.

Rias let out a sigh of relief and smiled slightly. "I'm happy that he was able to reunite with his sister again, but now we have to worry about why there are Holy Sword users in my territory."

"Let just hope that it just Holy Swords users and not a time stopping gun shooting Yandere." I joked as everyone looked at me weirdly. "I hope not..."

Unbeknownst to us, a girl was scooping her rifle at me as she let out a sigh. "Soon, Cipher-san~" She giggled.


The next day after school, everyone had gathered in the Occult Research Club. The atmosphere in the room was dense as Irina, Xenovia and Yuki were sitting in front of Rias, Akeno and me with everyone else sitting behind them. Issei was looking at Yuki with a shocked expression on his face while Kiba was trying to control his anger as he saw the objects that they were carrying.

"Now, let's get to the important stuff." I put down a cup of tea on the table and looked at the Exorcist Trio. "Tell me us the full details about those swords that gone missing."

"Recently the Holy Swords, Excaliburs that were kept by the Catholic Church Headquarter Vatican, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen." Xenovia began as Issei made a confused expression on his face.

"Excalibur itself doesn't exist." Rias answered the question on his mind.

"Well, that the most bullshit thing I ever heard." I commented before looking at the believers. "Can we continue this conversation?"

"Issei, (Y/N)-chan, Excalibur broke in the war a long time ago." Irina explained.

"Well, there's goes the chance of becoming the King of Britain. So, how does this piece look like? It's like piece of puzzle to be attach?"

"To answer your question, this is how the current Excalibur looked like." Xenovia then picked up her sword which was covered in bandages and untied it, once the Devil in the room looked at it, they started shivering including me.

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