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After we all said goodbye to Ky, we waved to her through the window but she couldn't see us. She looked back at the door once she left Simon's front yard, saw nobody there before sprinting off down the street. After she left, I whistled and said:

'She's got speed...and nice trainers.' I say out loud.

'Seriously Ryan? That is all that you pick up on: her TRAINERS!?' Baki and Ryan say.

'Oh I'm sorry. What do you look at then?' I let a smug grin form on my face.

Out the corner of my eyes, I see Simon shuffle around awkwardly and Bodil’s cheeks go red. Haha. I can make them jealous.

'Why are we talking about this?' Martin asked.

'Because we are forever alone.' Bashur wiped away (fake) tears and I chuckled slightly.

'You have me Brandon!' I say and batter my eyelids at him. We all laugh and I nearly fall off the sofa. Simon and Alex both give each other the stink eye before going back to their normal state. Either they think we are really dumb or they are completely oblivious as to the fact that we know about them liking her. My vote is for the second idea. But that might be just me.


The others left and me and Simon decided to hang out together. We went to the park and sat down by a football pitch occupied by a small group of children with a plastic ball. The sun was nice and warm on my face. My mind was having a tiny argument about whether to tell Simon about Ky and perhaps have a heart to heart talk with him about it.

'Simon?' I say. I convince myself to go ahead and talk to him about rather than turn it into a silly mistake.

'Yeah?' He said.

'Um...Can we... chat about something?' I stutter slowly.

'Sure. What's wrong?' Simon asked, concerned and he raised an eyebrow.

'I know you like Ky. We all do except Ky herself.' I say and he looked down.

'Was it really that obvious?' He said.

'Well...yeah. You are always trying to make her laugh and everything. We all know and how you think Ghost is competition for her.'

'crap...does she know?'

'no. I don't think so. Or if she does, she is hiding it well.' I say and Simon nods.

'I also saw what you did with Ky last night.' I say and he looks awkward.

'Really? I thought everybody was asleep.'

'Yeah. She ended up asleep on your chest and the kiss.' I pause and he shuffled around nervous. 'But...I know Ghost likes her, he told me. But... I just thought I should let you know I love her as well.' He looked at me.

'Seriously? I never would have known.' He half smiled.

'I hide it behind my normal actions...and me being weird. I have already talked to Ghost about it and he agreed as well. But if anyone does go out with Ky and things don't work out, we are still best buds. Ok?' I say.

'Alright. Fine with me.' Simon. smiled.

Now that that was out of the way, I have got one thing less to worry about. But...I know how to ask her's just the courage I need...

A New Change - A Bodil40 and Friends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now