New Home, New Life

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Anything said in Bulgarian will be in bold! anything that isn't is English!!!!!!


The clouds of Bulgaria passed the window as we soared through the sky. Somewhere down below were my friends, my life. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. So many things would be a problem in America. Americans speak English and I cannot speak it. How will I ask a question in lessons or even talk to someone who I want as my friend? What if school is like hell? So many problems flooded my mind.

'What's wrong?' My dad asked in English with a faint Bulgarian accent.

'Dad, I cannot speak English. How will I cope with school? Cant you just homeschool me?' I ask him and he raises an eyebrow.

'I can't. And you have four days when we land in America before school. I can try and teach you English but it will be hard...' Dad said.

'I know. I tried before but nothing. At least in school I can read and understand English. Speaking is gonna be a problem though.'

'It'll sort itself out. I promise.' Dad said.

As I looked out the window, I held the pendant on my necklace. 'It's gonna be hard without you guys with me.' I say to myself in my head. I gaze you the window until I decide to play Lego Marvel on my PS Vita.

'How long is the flight?' I ask my dad.

'Around 14 hours. And where are your glasses? You know to always keep them on.' Dad complained.

'They are in my bag...' I sigh.

'Put them on and keep them on.' My dad instructed me.

Normally my dad was one of those dads where you can joke around and is one of the people you can joke with and don't mind coming to a theme park with. But other times he can be a butt and annoy the hell out of you. I rumage around my bag and find my glasses case. Sighing, I open the case, quickly clean my glasses and put them on. Everything become slightly clearer and my eyes seemed relieved. I unfortunatly have to wear glasses constantly but protest because I think that they look weird and make me look like an idiot. But I do need them because my eyes will make everything blurry if I don't wear thm for a long time. 

I guess I have a fourteen hour journey ahead of me... At least I can complete all the Deadpool Challenges in Lego Marvel right? I think to myself.

-14 HOURS LATER (That is how long it takes to get from Bulgaria to California)-

'Ky...Ky wake up.' My dad said.

'Wh...why...what?'  I ask, dazed.

'We are here. Welcome to America, Califonia.' My dad said.

I grab my backpack and push my glasses up my nose before exiting the plane. It was boiling hot here compared to Bulgaria where it was winter. Girls were in short shorts, crop tops and flip flops whilst guys wore either a baggy shirt or no shirt and shorts with sandles. They wore that even though it was 9 at night. The sun was still setting and the sky was an orange color. Everybody was tanned so they were golden. I looked so out of place. Long jeans, hi tops, a longsleeve shirt and the jumper my friends got me. Dad wore long shorts and a Hawaii style shirt he got when we went on holiday a year ago.

'What do you think?'

'It's...different.' I say.

'You'll grow to like it. I did.' Dad said as we went into the airport to collect our things.

A New Change - A Bodil40 and Friends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now