How big of a house do we need!?

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Bold is Bulgarian still


OW! My head! I rubbed my head where I fell out of the bed. Why do I do that? Sitting up, I stretch and groan. Shaking my head, I stand up and look around at my new room. I swear I haven't had that good of a sleep in ages. Looking around, I see my bags and suitcases stacked in a pile.

'Better sort this out,' I say to myself.

I sort out my suit cases. I sorted out my clothes in the massive wardrobe fairly quickly. Stepping back, my clothes were all black with only some band and gamer shirts being the only bright colors in there. Shrugging, I sort out my Minecraft bedsheets. I sort put the pillows (one was an Enderman and the other was a Creeper) The other pillows had black and green cases so they were alright. I fix up the Minecraft bed cover which had all the mobs in Minecraft on. Done. Then were my soft Minecraft toys. I had a Creeper, Skeleton, Zombie, Enderman and Enderdragon as well as a Ghast.

'What's next?' I say as I open the next case.

Posters, photos and the photo album. I tack up my posters neatly on the black walls and sort out my photos and place them in a collage by the desk. I take the photo frame I got yesterday and put it on my bedside table. I lay my photo album on the shelf and toss the bag aside. Two down, a few more to go. Next up, books and mementos! My bag wasn't bog, but I had something like twenty of my favourite books and series I have read. On the four shelves I put five books and a memento either side to prop them up. I had statues and snow globes from where Dad has gone to places for work or holidays.

Lastly was my precious gamer bag. Inside there was everything I had related to gaming. Consols, controllers, games, headphones, attachments and other things. I open it up and rummage through it. I pull out my laptop, charger, mouse and a set of headphones and set them up at my desk. Now for the gaming room. I pull the heavy bag inside and sort out the consoles. I have an Xbox, PS3 and Wii. After sorting everything out, getting all the controllers out and ready and changing some settings on each console, I sort out the games. The tonnes of games I own and the other things I have for gaming. I sort out the games for each console and slot them into the cupboards. I pretty much fill up two cupboards. Granted the cupboards were thin and tall, but it was still two. Next were the add ons. I put them in the other cupboards and I'm done sorting everything out. I push my glasses up my nose and sigh.

'there we go Ky. Wonder where Dad is. I'm ready for breakfast.' I speak to myself.

I run down the stairs to the ground floor and see Dad in the kitchen.

'Morning Ky. How are you?' Dad greets me.

'Morning...I'm  alright. What's for breakfast?' I ask, checking all the cupboards but only finding bowls, plates cups and other things you find in a kitchen.

At the last cupboard were a few boxes of cereal. I chose my normal cereal and eat. I sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen and eat my breakfast.

'Why do we need such a big house? There's only ever going to be us two.' I say. Dad was never interested in other women severe since I was born. Nothing much was ever said after I was born. He never said anything when I asked him about who or about my mum.

'For business as well Ky. You know I often have meetings and business gatherings at my house. Also it's in case we have got visitors staying.' Dad exlains.

Sometimes Dad had to accommodate for a night for some people in relation to the company that he worked for. I helped do the cooking sometimes but mostly I cleaned the house and sort out the table. Then I would either hide in my room or act as a waitress for the people coming. thankfully I never had to wear a dress but I wore smart trousers, a smart shirt, polished shoes and a smart jacket. I was in charge of giving drinks to the people, serving food, washing up and basically helping out my dad anyways I could.

' But three floors?' I say as I push my glasses up my nose.

'Don't question it Ky. This is our house now! Why don't you go explore it? I need to sort out the living room and the workspace.' Dad dismissed me.

Placing my bowl and spoon in the sink, I head straight outside and into the back garden. Sliding open the door to the garden, I am awed at the sight of it. There was a kind of roof over the doorwayThe garden was a fair size but there was a large cluster of trees which looked perfect for climbing. I'd have to check it out, make sure it's alright for me to climb. What? No! I'm not using that as an excuse to climb the trees like I normally do. Course not, that would be stupid! Anyways..

Running back inside the house, I decide to check out the other floors of the house, avoiding the ground floor because Dad was sorting things out. I hop up the stairs, two at a time, I stand on the landing and walk to the first door facing me. Nothing of interest, just a bathroom. Next door down, storage room. Sighing, I shut the door. For a large house, it wasn't very interesting. Next two doors were two single bedroom s for guests. last room now. I open it and there is a mini living room with a balcony. Nice.

A few hours later, I explored the house and remembered where most of the rooms were. Right now I was sitting on the window ledge of my bed room window with one leg hanging out the window. I opened my locket and looked at my friends.

'I miss you guys. Wish you could see the house. You'd loved it. By now we'd be building a tree house knowing us lot.' I sigh

'Ky! Come downstairs and get some shoes on. We need to go shopping for food if we wanna eat!' Dad called from his room on the first floor.

'But Dad! Eating is over rated!'

'Whatever! Hurry up Ky!'

'I'm coming! Chill out Dad!' I yell at him.

'DONT FORGET YOUR GLASSES!' He bellows at me.

'I'm wearing them!!!!' I shout back, pushing them up my nose.

Yay(!) Food shopping with my much fun...

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