Computers and Dodgeball

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Bold is Bulgarian... YOU SHOULD KNOW BY NOW!


I was so relieved I was with Simon. It was great that he spoke Bulgarian so I could actually have a possible friend by the end of the day...maybe.

He told me where some of the blocks we would have our lessons in and where they were near if I got confused. We loosened up quickly around each other. I felt bad for not speaking before, but what could I do?

'...and this is I block. Here is where we do our IT lessons and it is also where our tutor is. It’s awesome's a computer block! We have two floors with computers in and our tutor is right at the top. We have IT lessons and General Studies here.' Simon explained.

'I like the sound of this block already. Computers and everything is good.' I say and he laughs.

We head up the four flights of stairs and walk along a corridor. I saw classes going n and tried not to interrupt.

'Wait here a second I have to tell our tutor you are here.' Simon says and he slips into the room, hardly opening the door.

As Simon talks, I look at a display board showing trips the school hosts and event that go on during the school year. There were trips to Sweden and France and events like a charity day where you arranged stuff for people to do to raise money for a charity. I studied the pictures until I herd the door open. I turned and saw Simon.

'You can come in now,' He smiles and I nod, pulling my bag strap up my shoulder.

As I walk to the door, I get nervous. The hum of an Air-Con grew louder as Simon walked inside propping the door open for me to walk through. I thanked him and entered the class room. Simon was right. Computers lined the outside of the room with chairs tucked neatly under the tables.

'Hello, I'm Mr. Pane and I will be your tutor. If you sit down next to Simon, he'll explain what we have been doing alright?' The teacher says, standing in front of an interactive whiteboard.

I nod and follow Simon to his seat. I feel everyone's gaze upon me, watching me. There were whispers in between each other and people’s friends. Simon was sat right at the back of the class room with a group of five other guys. He sat down and I pulled up a seat next to Simon. As I placed my rucksack under the chair, I saw people looking at me. I tapped a rhythm lightly on my lap until the teacher continued the lesson.

'Alright, class. As I was saying, you need to finish your PowerPoints today because we will show the tomorrow. Go and log on and get straight to work.' Finished the teacher and everybody got up and went to computers, logging on quickly.

Simon turned his chair around and I angled mine so I can see Simon's screen.

'Who’s that Simon?' A guy asked.

'Guys, meet Ky. Ky, the guys.' Simon gestured to the five guys who waved. I waved back.

'We all have nicknames we go by rather than our normal names. This is Alex, but we call him Ghost.' Simon started introducing people.

'Nice to meet ya.' he said. He had short light brown hair and hazel eyes.

'Baki or the snowman.'

'Hi. Welcome to the club!' He said, smiling. Baki was tall, had dark brown hair spiked up slightly from the front and browny-greeny eyes.

'Brandon or Bashur.'

Bashur laughed and I laughed before pushing my glasses up my nose. Bashur had long hair so brown it was a most black. His eyes were a blue-green mixture and he seemed to laugh a lot

A New Change - A Bodil40 and Friends Fan FictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ