Bad News

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(A/N- Sup guys? ToxicDJ here to tell you that for the first few chapters, all of this is set in Bulgaria and everything spoken is actually in Bulgarian. I will do another authors note when things become English)

Walking home from school, the cold winter air sent a shiver down my spine. The sky was a grey and it was something like -5 degrees. Doing up my coat all the way, I slide the rucksakck strap up my shoulder again. I could see my breath everytime I breathed I could see my breath in a cloud in front of me. Damn Bulgaria winters are freezing. It can get to -25 degrees some times. Me and my friends, Kaitlin, Aaran and Ian, were going round Kaitlin's house for a while because we are awesome like that. Sighing, I decided to actually listen to my friends. I take out my ear buds, switch off my iPod and wrap the ear buds around the iPod before putting it away in my pocket.  I honestly have no idea what the hell my friends were talking about so, me being me, I am going to act like I was paying attention and try and fit in.

'Wow. Hey guys! Ky actually took out her headphones!' Ian laughed.

'Shut up. I was listening to my favourite song.' I retaliate. 

'Hurry up! I'm freezing.' Kaitlin said and we picked up the pace. 

I saw Kaitlin's house. There were fir trees in her garden which we all climb in the spring and summer, th front lawn was slightly over growing and a neat billowing of smoke from her house came from the chimney. School was cold but we were allowed to wear umpers to kep warm because the radiators in our lessons weren't always that powerful.

As we approached Kaitlin's front door, she took out her keys which had Minecraft keyrings on it and a picture I took of her and Skydoesminecraft when we went to Minecon one time. She unlocked the door and stright away there was a wave of warmth which came from her house. It was nice and inviting. Stepping inside, we dumped our bags in a neat pile, hung up our coats and Kaitlin yelled out to her Mum.

'Hi Mum! Aaran, Ian and Ky are round.' She yelled and a responce sounded from the Kitchen.

'OK . I'll bring some warm drinks up for you in a moment.' Kaitlin's Mum said in reply.

Hopping up the stairs, we went into Kaitlin's room. Her room was cream but you couldn't tell for the amount of posters that became wallpaper on her walls. There were game posters, pictures we have drawn, anime and bands. Mainly Minecraft and these anime singers called Vocaloids. In her room, we always stand in a certain spot. Aaran and Kaitlin sat on the bed, Ian sat in the spinney desk chair and I stood near Ian with my hands in my pockets. This is where we hang out, but normally we go round to my house. 

'Apparently it's going to snow tomorrow. Hope we get loads then we can have our annual snowball fight and make it bigger than last years!' Aaran says.

'Yeah! Last year was awesome! Highly doubt we can top that again.' Ian says as Kaitlin and Ian high five.

I smile in agreement and glance out the window. I guess it was a good chance of snowing judging from the clouds and the coldness. 

'Ky? Ky?' Kaitlin says and waves her hand quickly in front of my face.

'Huh?' I ask, stupidly.

'You keep zoning out there buddy.' Aaran said.

'I don't.' I sigh.

'What were we talking about then? Just now?' Ian folds his arms and a smirk crosses his face.

'You were talking about a snowball fight.' I say and prove Ian wrong.

'Hahaha! No! We were talking about going to go see a movie tomorrow after school.' Kaitlin says.

'Oh...' was all I said and they laugh.

'By the way Ky. You have been acting...different.' Aaran says, looking at me with over the top suspicious eyes.

'What do you mean 'acting different'?' I quote what he said with my fingers. 

'You seemed to have been more quiet over these last few days and not as...Ky-like.' Kaitlin shrugs.

'I don't get what you mean. I'm still myself.' I ask, confused.

'Come on. By now you would have done something crazy like when you had Happy Juice that one time (don't even ask man.) but you are just standing.' Ian points out.

'Is it illegal for me to stand now?' I joke but no one really laughs like they normally would.

'Something's up. We can all tell.' Aaran sighs.

'No point denying. We will keep bugging you until you tell us what's going on.' Kaitlin says as Ian slowly moves his hand towards me to poke me but retreats it when I glare at him.

Sighing, I know I can't keep it from them any longer.

'Guys...I have to tell you something. The reason I have been acting odd recently is because, well, I...' I start but atop and look to the floor.

'Are you pregnant? Who's the dad?' Ian jumps but I don't laugh.

'I'm not pregnant. I'm... well I am leaving.' I say slowly.

'WHAT?!' Everybody says in shocked unison.

'What? Where are you going?' Kaitlin asks frantically.

'It had better be nearby still.' Aaran says and Ian agrees.

'Well...Not exactly. Me and my dad are moving to America.'

'AMERICA!!!!?' They shout again.

'Where abouts?' Ian demanded to know.

'California to be exact.' I sigh in sorrow,

'Well... when are you going?' Aaran says, still in disbelief.

'Sunday.' I whisper.

'But...that's in like...' Kaitlin stuttered.

'Four days. So, this was my last week with you guys.' I say sadly, not wanting to think about it.

'Why Didnt you tell us sooner?' Ian asks me.

'I thought if I never mentioned it then this day would never come. But it kinda has to.' I half smile unconvincing.

'My God! Why do you have to go?' Aaran wonders.

'My dad was talking for years about moving and yet we never moved. But This time, I have no idea why. I begged him to let me stay because I don't want to leave my best friends. Unfortunatly I really am moving to California.' I sigh sadly.

'I don't know about you, but we are going to make the last days with us the best ever. You are leaving on Sunday and it's Wednesday today, so we are gonna spend the next four days together and on Sunday, we are gonna come round early so you can hang with us.' Kaitlin planned.

'Thanks guys. This is the reason why you guys are my best friends.' I smile, a bit more whole heartedly.

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