Day before the Move

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After telling my friends, we have been even more stuck together. Dad said that I would be allowed to hang out with them  because I'm probably not gonna be able to see them again. Today is the day before the move (A.K.A Saturday) and I was chilling with my friends after seeing a movie. If you walked into the room with us right now, you would never have guessed this fantastic four would become trouble trio.

'EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!' We jumped and sung badly out of tune inside Aaran's living room.

'My god that film was awesome! I now love the Lego Movie (that is an awesome film)!' I laugh as I sit down.

'Yeah! Can't get the song out of my head now!' Ian smiles.

'Question, if we speak are you going to fair at an American school?' Kaitlin asks.

I stop and think. That was a fair point. Me and my dad are Bulgarian but he can speak English. I can say odd words, but nothing too good and the few words I do know are really hard to understand because the accent is so heavy.

'I guess that they are going to have to wait for me to learn English. Dad can help I'm sure. He speaks English better than me.' I shrug. 'It's not like I don't understand English. I can understand it spoken and written but I cannot say it. So learning won't be too bad. Besides, there is always Google Translate!' I joke and we laugh.

My laughter is interrupted by the sound of my ringtone going off for a text. Pulling out my phone, I look and it's a text from my dad. 'Time to come back home now Ky or your dinner will get cold. And tell your friends that they can come round early to say goodbye to you beore we go tomorrow.' I read it in my head. 

'I have to go now.' I sigh and we all go silent.

'I don't want you to go.' Kaitlin said hugging me close to her.

'I don't wanna go. What am I gonna do without you guys?' I say to her.

'Hey. But Dad said you can come early to say goodbye before we go. So this won't be goodbye just yet.' I say.

'We'll walk you back.' Ian said, standing up and we leave Aaran's house,

'Dropping Ky off at her house, we'll be back soon!' Aaran called as he shut the door. We walked back to my house, walking as slow as we could to spend more time together. 

'What time are you guys gonna come round?' I ask.

'7ish. You leave at 9 so at least we get a few hours together.' Kaitlin sighed sadly. 

'What's it like in America? You had a look at your house yet?' Ian asks.

'No. I have no idea what anything looks like in America. Much like here in Bulgaria but in another country I guess. But it's going to take a while to get used to when to sleep and everything.' I sigh.

'Why?' Aaran asks.

'Bulgaria is two hours ahead of America I think. Don't quote me on that but we are ahead of America time-wise.' I say as we turn a corner. 

'That sucks...' Ian said. 

We were walking down the street where I live, the last time we are going to do this as a group of four. Suddenly, Ian decided he wanted a piggyback and leap up onto his back. I stumbled before holding onto his legs to stop him falling off.

'You alright there?' I ask him.

'Yez.' He smiled as he ruffled my hair and it stuck up in weird directions. 

Don't ask, but Ian likes to jump up onto my back, He often says it's like riding a dinosaur, knowing what it's like to be tall and I'm a horse. Better not to ask...

'Forward ho, tall person! To DESTINY!' He said, pointing forward in a random triumph. 

'No.' I said blankly.

'Pwease?' He asked.

'I'll walk but no running.' I sigh.

'OK. I can live with that.' Ian smiled and we began to walk again, me carrying Ian on my back.

After five minutes, we were at my house. Ian hopped down off my back and I opened the door. Everything was so bare. I stepped inside to be greated by my dad.

'Hey dad.' I say.

'Hi. Do your friends wanna come in? I seemed to have accidently ordered and extra large pizza and it's one I don't like.' Dad, said.

'Thanks Dad!' I say and call my friends in.

'You guys can eat dinner here. Come on, we can go in my room.' I say as dad hands me the pizza box. 

We hop up the stairs and enter my room. It was empty except for a bed with only a sheet and a thin duvet on. My walls were normaly covered in Minecraft things and drawings I have done. But the dark blue walls were bare with only blobs of Blu Tak stuck on the walls and even outlines of dust where the pictures have been stuck up for so long. I place the pizza on teh blue carpet floor and pull out my laptop. We tucked into the pizza as we watched YouTube videos until it was really late. And in case you are wondering what my friends' parents will think, my dad had actually already arranged it. I was so happy with my friends. This was one of those moments that you treasure forever...

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