Survived School: Day One

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DOUBLE'S POV (#Triple)

As we met up for lunch, we were all hot from dodgeball. That was so much fun! I placed my bag down on the floor and took out my lunch box. Everybody else did the same and we began eating.

'So, how is school now you know us?' Bashur asks.

As Ky speaks, Bodil kindly translates. 'She said she finds it awesome but still misses Bulgaria a crap tonne. But she is friends with us so everything is pretty cool.' He says.

'#BodilTranslate!' I shout and drop my crisps on the floor.

'Hey! NO hashtags on my watch.' Bodil said.

'What about on mine?' Ghost said, pulling up his sleeve and showing a Nike sports watch.

We all laugh sarcastically at his joke. Once we had finished beating up Ghost for joking.

'But serious how is it?' Bashur repeats.

'She says It's awesome! And that we are amazing.' Bodil says.

We nod silently in approval as we continued eating, laughing and joking through out lunch. Ky has only been here a day but it feels like we have known each other for years! I could tell we were all going to be great friends.

-#BulgarianFairyTimeSkip to near the end of last lesson-

As the bell rang, we were given permission to tidy up. We were learning algebra and we may or may not have aced it completely. Simon put our books in the box and Ky put all the papers in a pile in the middle of the table. As soon as we were all ready, we left the class room.

There were people leaving classrooms and people standing in clusters trying to wait for an opening.

'Come on.' Baki says as we avoid the clusters and leave through a fire exit.

'It's always like that. But once you get used to it, you find ways to avoid it easily. We always use other doors rather than the main ones for obvious reasons.' Ghost says and Ky nods in agreement.


'Where do you live?' I ask her. 'I don't mean it in a creepy way!' I add quickly as I out my hands up in defence.

Ky chuckled and answered. 'I can show you if you want. It isn't too far from here. Around a twenty minute walk.' Ky says.

'You guys wanna see where Ky lives?' I ask the group.

They reply in a bundle of 'yes'.

'We could hang out over the weekend! Its supposed to get really hot! We can go in the swimming pool.' Bashur adds.

'Great idea Bash.' Bodil smiles.

'You guys have pools in your gardens?' Ky asks in disbelief.

'Yep. Bash, Ghost, Bodil and Double have them.' I reply.

As we leave the school grounds, we talk about general things like music and games and films and games. Ky lead us but we found ourselves knowing this route already.

We stop in front of a large house which had been up for sale for ages. Ky points to it and says 'This is where I live.'

I whistle and we just stare at it.

'We live a few streets away. Friends are never that far away are they?' Double laughs.

I saw Ky smile but sadness hinted her eyes but disappeared quickly.

'Can you come out later? We can knock for ya.' Simon says.

'I'd love to. But me and my dad are still sorting out the place. Only been here for just under a week or so.' She replies and I translate for the group.

'Oh. Alright then. Hey, you have a cell phone?' Bashur asks and Ky nods in response. 'If we get your number, then we can all decided when to meet up a lot quicker.' Bashur says.

'Sure! Hang on a second.' Ky says as she brings out her cell phone. She types in some stuff and scrolls before we exchange numbers.

-ToxicTimeSkip to later on-


I was finishing up a quest in South Park the Stick of Truth when my dad came in. I quickly pulled off my headphones and paused the game.

'Hi Ky.' He said as he closed the door and sat on the sofa next to me.

'Hey. How was work?' I ask him.

'Busy. How was school?' He asks me back.

'Y'know what dad? It was actually pretty good.' I smile and he sighs in relief.

'How was it good?'

'I had some cool lessons like General and PE. We even had maths which was good.' 

Then, my phone 'teleported'. I had an Enderman Teleporting as my message tone. Dad reached for my phones and glanced at it through his glasses.

'Who is Double?' He looked confused at my phone. 

My eyes widen as I take my phone. I see if have a few missed messages.

'Oh...He's a friend. I made. At school.' I say slowly.

'You made friends? That's great!' Dad smiles.

'I have made a bunch! They even have nicknames which are awesome! There's Ghost or Alex, Baki or Snowman, Simon or MelonHead, Brandon or Bashur, Ryan or Double and Martin or Bodil.' I count on my fingers. 

'Bodil? Doesn't that mean thorn in Bulgarian?' Dad questions.

'Yeah! Baki, Martin and Simon all speak Bulgarian like me! They are my friends. We exchanged numbers so we can meet up some point and just chat.'

Where do they live?' Dad asked, pushing up his glasses in unison with me.

'They live a few streets away.' I smile at him. 

'Well, once everything is sorted out, you can invite them round. We have got more than enough room to spare!' Dad laughs, standing up.

'That would be awesome! Thanks Dad.' I smile and hug him. 

'Now come on. We have to go out.'

'Where? We got the food shopping already.'

'Not food shopping. Clothes shopping.'

'Dad! I have more than enough clothes.'

'But they are all for Bulgarian weather. You need some ones for the American weather.'

'I have shorts and t shirts.'  I fold my arms in disapproval.

'Ky.' He said.

'Fine.' I sigh. I hate shopping, especially for clothes. But, I guess you ahve to take one for the team sometimes right?

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