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"Each player gets a turn, and every turn they say what they want to do. The Lore Master, me, knows the difficulty of the task," Coran was explaining the game of Monsters and Mana to Lance and Allura.

Pidge fiddled with her screen as Coran explained.

Lance looked at her from across the table and was going to say something to her, like maybe a friendly hello, but Coran kept on explaining the game.

"The person must roll a 20-sided die to see if they can accomplish their action," Coran said.

Lance gasped loudly.

"A 20-sided dice? How big is that thing?" Lance asked.

Pidge squinted at him judgmentally.

"It's normal-sized, it just has 20 sides," the light flashed in her glasses as she shifted them.

"No, no, no, no. It's got 20 sides? It's gotta be the size of a Yalexian pearl!" Lance exclaimed.

Coran pulled out the normal-sized dice.

Pidge raised an eyebrow at Lance and he deflated slightly.

"Oh," was all Lance said.

"Do you want to play?" Coran asked.

"Don't you guys have something better to do? Like, I don't know, universe-defending stuff?" Lance asked.

"Hunk and I ran into a snag upgrading the Castle's shields. We're running a diagnostic, but all we can do is wait," Pidge spoke up.

Lance tuned out the others for a second.

Pidge was always doing such impressing and smart things.

What will make Pidge impressed with me?

"Yeah, I already worked out today, so I guess I don't have anything going on. Might as well play your nerd game," Lance sat down.

Inside he bashed himself.

Of course she's not gonna care about if you worked out or not, idiot!

She's PIDGE, for darn's sake!

It took a while for Lance to realize the game had already started.

Allura was introducing her character when he snapped back into it.

"I'm the mystical archer Valayun, searching for the rune stone of Lapham. What quest are you on?" Allura asked.

"Block's town was turned to stone by an evil wizard. We tracked him down through his special crystals," Pidge said.

Shiro gasped at something behind them.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Hunk yelled.

"Whoa!" Allura awed.

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