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Lance watched Pidge walk past his room, one arm supporting her laptop with her other hand typing.

He would never admit to blushing after being teased about being wrong by her while they were back on Taujeer the other day.

But he knew all too well it did happen and it made him think over a lot of things.

"Hey," she said, not looking up from her screen.

"Hi," Lance walked with her to the control room where Allura was calling them all.

They walked in comfortable silence.

"How's your Galra finder going?" Lance asked after a while.

"The one you thought didn't work?" Pidge wickedly grinned at him.

Lance turned his head as his face got hot again and he shoved his hands in his pockets.

He didn't understand why being humiliated by Pidge was different compared to when he was normally embarrassed by anyone else.

"Yeah sure that one," Lance said.

"I made some modifications so it works faster. Instead of telling us where the Galra were it'll tell us where they might be or where they are at the moment," Pidge smiled proudly.

"Finally a sentence I understood," Lance joked.

Pidge fumed and attempted to hit him but couldn't with her laptop.

"There there little Pidgeon," he patted her head.

Pidge huffed angrily.

"I will murder you Lance McClain," Pidge growled.

"Sure you would Pidge Gunderson."

The day seemed to fast forward.

The group had to go to some sort of swap moon.

But Coran made them put on some weird costumes so they would 'be in disguise' or whatever.

Then once they got there it didn't look as bad as Coran had made it sound.

"Coran? This Unilu swap meet looks an awful lot like a regular mall," Pidge said.

"It does seem to be a little cleaner than I remember. Still, be vigilant. The Unilu are cut-throat wheeler-dealers. So keep your hands on your coin satchels," Coran instructed.

"My satchels are empty," Hunk poked at a brown pouch tied to his belt.

"Good," Coran nodded.

"Let's just get this over with," Keith huffed.

"Yes, right. Everyone, let's fan out, search the area for teludav lenses. We'll meet by the giant ticking clock here in one varga. Don't be late, and try to blend in," Coran said as he dashed away.

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