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"I can't 'man up'," Pidge said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Lance squinted in confusion.

What was he talking about?

"I'm a girl," Pidge said, looking down at his shoes.

Wait no it was her shoes now.

Lance stood up in his chair and stared in disbelief at him-NO IT WAS HER NOW.


"Well I mean I can man up since that's just an expression. I don't actually have to be a man to man up, I just have to be tough. What I'm trying to say is-," Pidge explained.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Lance shouted out loud.

Pidge shrieked in fear, her glasses nearly falling off.

"You're a GiRl?! HOW?!" Lance screamed.

Pidge gave him a small smile while the others took in her confession in a more...gentle tone.

Lance tilted his head at her and she shrugged.

"It won't change anything about me. I'm still me. Just now you get to meet the real me," Pidge grinned, speaking only to him.

"Oh...well...welcome to the team then Gunderson. Nice to finally meet you," Lance smiled.


Hunk opened the door of Pidge's room gently and peeked in.

"There you are!" Hunk exclaimed as he saw Lance hunched over a tool box with half fixed glasses in his hand.

"Here again Lance? You've been in here for days buddy. When are you going to come out and take a break or just hang out with us again?" Hunk asked.

"Huh? Oh I guess I'll come out later," Lance muttered.

"You said that yesterday. And the day before that," Hunk frowned.

"Later," Lance mumbled, waving him away.

Hunk huffed and grabbed Lance, dragging him by the arm out of the room.

Lance dropped the tool and glasses on the bed and whined in protest and Hunk dragged him to the paladin's hanging out room.

Lance pushed and pulled against him but gave up when he realized he'd never get out of Hunk's iron grip.

Lance stared as they went past the healing pod area.

Suddenly Lance twisted and escaped Hunk only to run to the healing pod Pidge was still in.

She looked like she was getting better.

The cuts and scratches and burns and bruises were all gone from her skin.

"Pidge?" Lance tested his voice.

"Can't you be awake yet? Can't you come out of that quiznaking coma?" Lance asked, defeatedly resting his arms on the pod.

"Come on! I need to tell you what I've been keeping a secret. Ever since I realized you were a girl I realized so many other things after that. Come on Pidge. Come on!" Lance shouted.

Hunk set a hand on Lance's shoulder.

"Lance, you need a break from all this worrying," Hunk said.

"I know...I know. But I don't want to rest until she's ok," Lance nodded at Pidge.

"I get that. I miss her too. And to everyone it's kind of obvious you have feelings for her. We all noticed as you two grew closer. Also that time she got captured proved it. So I get that you worry most. But not eating and sleeping isn't going to help her, it's just gonna make you worse," Hunk said.

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