chapter twenty two

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Elisa and Ann had fell asleep in the backseat of the van. They were snoring as loud as a tiger's roar. Nikka was focussing on the road, but he couldn't help but sneak glances at Marie. She was sitting there, hair tied up, fuzzy blue cook monster pj pants on, looking just as beautiful as she always has.

Marie stretched and looked at the clock in the car. "Only 3 more hours Nik." She said happily. Nikka smiled, but it quickly fell as he started to think about the past couple weeks events. Marie saw the frown on Nikka's face, and she became concerned. "What's the matter Nikolas?" She asked, placing her hand on his knee. Nikka sighed. "I'm sorry for hurting you." He whispered. He instantly regretted being that straight-forward about it, but it was better to just tell Marie what he was feeling. Marie was silent for a few seconds, but then she spoke. "I know..." She said quietly. "But Nik, you told me to wait for you." She started. "And I did. But you obviously didn't for me.." Nikka kept his eyes on the road, and bite back a tear that threatened to fall. "I've loved you since we were little kids. You know that Mar. But Jade... I felt so bad for fucking her over last year." Nikka said. Marie's eyes turned cold and she spoke in a deep voice. "She's not the only one you fucked over." And with that, she scooted over to the far edge of her seat and starred out the window. "What have I done?" Nikka thought to himself.

-short chappy, I know. Sorry guys! I just wanted this moment to be the only thing to focus on in this chapter. It's such a breaking moment for Nik, no?

Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying! x

Waiting for NothingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora