chapter thriteen

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Nikka drove down to Jade's house. When he pulled up outside of her house, he saw her silver convertible. It had a dent in the front. More proof.

Nikka walked up to the front door and knocked.

After a few minutes, Jade's father answered the door.

"Oh hello Nikolas! Her father said. "What can I do for you?"

"Hi Mr. Yern." Nikka said. "Is Jade here?"

Her father nodded. "She's out back sunbathing. Go ahead."

Nikka nodded and walked out back.

"Nikky!" Jade squealed. "I knew you couldn't resist me!" She threw herself at him.

Nikka pushed her off. "Listen, I need you to come with me." He said.

Jade looked confused. "Where?" She asked.

Nikka thought for a minute.

"A secret surprise! But we have to take your car! It's the best, ya know."

Jade smirked. "Oh I know it is." She said, leading him out of the backyard.

Nikka climbed into the drivers seat, and Jade got into the passenger. Nikka pulled out of her driveway and drove down the street.

"Now, wheres the proof?" The officer questioned the girls. Mr. Douglas looked nervous.

"Uh.. Well, my brother has the proof." Ann said.

"And where is your brother?" The officer seemed annoyed.

Elisa and Ann gave each other another look.

Suddenly, they heard a car horn. They all turned to see the silver convertible pull up beside the wreck. Nikka popped out from the car, Jade getting out from the passenger seat.

The officer held up a picture of the convertible and matched the license plate to the car.

"Thats it!" The officer yelled.

Jade looked shocked. "Nikka, you lied to me!" She screamed at him.

Nikka stood beside Ann and Elisa. He wrapped his arm around them. "You hurt one of us, you hurt all of us bitch." Nikka said. Ann and Elisa laughed.

"Why did you do it?" Mr. Douglas asked.

Jade rolled her eyes. "Marie took Nikka from me. He is mine!" She screamed, stomping her foot.

The officer handcuffed Jade. "You coming down to the station with me young lady." And with that, Jade was pushed into the back of the cop car.

They all watched the cop car drive away. Mr. Douglas came up behind the teens.

"Thank you guys so much. You saved me a lot of time. Now I can go back and check on Marie." He said, waving to the teens as he got into his rental car, and drove away.

Nikka, Elisa, and Ann followed behind his car. They all parked at the hospital and went inside.

"Marie Douglas please." Mr. Douglas said.

"Room 4."

They all walked down the hall to find doctors and nurses rushing in and out of the room.

"What's going on?!" Mr. Douglas asked a doctor.

"Marie's cut on her forehead started bleeding again, and she's lost a lot of blood. She's not seeing visitors right now." The doctor said.

"I'm her father!" Mr. Douglas said. The doctor nodded and lead him into the room.

Mr. Douglas turned around. "Sorry guys. I'll have them let you in as soon as they can." And with that, he went into the room.

Elisa, Ann, and Nikka sat with there backs against the wall, tears threatening to fall for their eyes.

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