chapter one

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The sun beamed through Marie's open window. A warm June breeze rushed through the window, blowing a picture frame off the windowsill. Marie opened her eyes and stretched. She glanced over at her bedside table to her little reminder board beside it.

Party at Ann's today! It was written in bright green, so that it would stand out.

Marie smiled to herself. She hadn't seen Ann in awhile. Ever since last summer when the whole "I'm in love with your brother." thing had happened, they sorta grew apart a bit. But they talked when they could, but they never brought up Jade or Nikka.

Marie climbed out of bed and picked up the picture frame. It was a picture of Ann, Elisa, and herself. Marie smiled and walked downstairs for some breakfast. James was seated at the table, along with her father. "Good morning!" Marie said, all chrippy. James made a grumpy face. He was defiantly not a morning person. "Good morning Mar. Sleep well?" Her father asked. Marie nodded and poured herself some cereal. She walked over to the table and sat down. "Don't forget, Ann's party is today. She's expecting me to be there early too." Marie said to her father. Her father gave a quick smile and nodded. James piped up. He has dried drool on his chin. Ew. "You not worried about seeing Nikolas?" He said, in a mocking tone. Marie rolled her eyes. "Go wipe your chin, you dried drool.." Marie tried to think of an insult. "Oh, just shut up." Marie ate her cereal, and put the bowl in the sink. "I'm going to shower now! I'll be ready in an hour dad." Marie said, running up the stairs. She opened up the hallway closet, grabbed a towel, and went into the bathroom. Marie turned on the shower and plugged her phone into the speaker. 5 seconds of summer started to play. "It's my jam! I can totally get ready to this!" Marie said, jumping into the shower.

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