chapter nine

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Marie walked out of Ann's house and got into her dad's car. "Hey daddy." She said, as she climbed in and threw her stuff in the backseat. Her father smiled at her. "What's up baby girl? How was the party?" He asked, pulling off into the street. "It was fun." Marie answered, pulling out her phone to check Facebook. She always did that in the car.

Before she checked her Facebook, she saw she had a text message.

Text From: Blue Eyes <3

Hey. Look Marie, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.

Marie rolled her eyes and ignored the message. She went on Facebook and was scrolling down her newsfeed, when she saw she had gotten another message.

Text From: Blue Eyes <3

Mar? Please talk to me.

Marie rolled her. All of the sudden, the car came to a haul. Another car crashed into the back of her car and sent Marie flying into the dashboard. She felt the world go black.

Nikka kept texting Marie. Finally, he got really upset. She wouldn't respond to him. So, he gave her a call.

After a few rings, someone picked up.

"Nikka. It's Marie's father. We've gotten into a crash accident, and she's out cold."

When Nikka heard that, he got up and ran out of the door to his car, and drove off to find Marie.

-hey guys!xx

Sorry it's short.

I'm actually in the doctors right now.

I have a lung condition, and my lungs have been acting up. So we're getting them checked out.

Nothing to serious thou, I was just born with one smaller than the other.

But anyway,

Thanks for the read. I don't know when the next update will be, but hopefully soon!(:

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