chapter nineteen

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Elisa opened one eye, and rolled over in bed. Her phone was going off on her bedside table.

She groaned and picked it up.

3 texts.

Ann(: : HEY

Ann(: : WAKE UP


Elisa chuckled and called Ann.

"Finally!" Ann shouted into the phone.

"I was sleeping. That party wore me out last night." Elisa yawned, going into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Yeah, well, that's speech Nikka gave to Marie. I think it distracted her." Ann said.

Elisa poured some cereal.

"She seemed out of sorts. So camping?"

Ann seemed to perk up. "Yeah! Tomorrow! Me, you, and Marie. And Raylen if she's still in town." She said excitedly.

"Sounds good." Elisa said, shoving some cereal in her mouth.

"Alright. I'll call Marie. We'll meet at my house early tomorrow morning. See ya!" Ann said, hanging up.

Elisa finished her cereal and went to go pack for the camping trip.

"I really wish you could stay longer Ray." Marie said, helping her cousin pack. Raylen sighed, shoving her clothes into her suitcase. "I do too. But you know, duty calls!" Raylen said.

The girls were finishing up their packing, and Raylen held up her special party dress, and handed it too Marie.

Marie shook her head. "Keep it. It's yours." She said, handing it back to Raylen. Raylen smiled and put it nearly in her bag. "Raylen! Your mom is here babe!" Mr. Douglas shouted up the stairs. "I'm coming unc!" Raylen shouted, hauling her bags to the door. Marie came and hugged her. "Thanks for coming." Marie said, embracing her cousin. Raylen kissed her cheek. "Anytime! Call me if you need anything. Love you." Raylen released the hug and went downstairs. "Love you!" Marie shouted, and she shut her bedroom door. She began to pick her her room some, when her phone rang with Ann's ringtone.

"She looks so perfect standing there, in my american-"

"Hello?" Marie answered the phone.

"Hey! You up for some camping tomorrow?" Ann asked excitedly.

"Uh, yeah. Sounds fun!" Marie said. "Who's going?"

"Me, you, and Elisa. Ray can come too if she wants!" Ann said.

"Ray just left, but I'm up for it." Marie said.

"Cool! Meet tomorrow at my house early. I'll text you the details later!" Ann said.

"Alright! Love you." Marie said, hanging up.

Marie continued to pick up her room, and began to pack for the camping trip.

"Camping trip, eh?" Nikka said, as Ann hung up the phone. He had been standing in the doorway the whole time.

Ann spun around. "It's rude to ease drop." She said, glaring at her brother.

"I want to come!" Nikka said. "I can make it up to Marie! Since we aren't going to camp this summer."

Ann sighed. "Whatever. But your not hurting her again." She said, beginning to pack. Nikka turned and walked out.

"I don't plan to." Nikka said softly, smiling to himself.

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