chapter two

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"GOOD GIRLS ARE BAD GIRLS THAT HAVENT BEEN CAUGHT." Marie sang, as she washed her hair. She rinsed off her hair and got out of the shower. She opened the bathroom door and ran into her bedroom before her father or brother could see her. Marie tied her hair up into a ponytail, and looked for something to wear. After about 10 minutes, she decided on some pink converse, light denim shorts, and a black v-neck. As she got dressed, her phone began to ring.

Call From: Elisa!(:

Marie picked it up.

"Hey!" Elisa yelled over the music.

"Hiya! What's up?" Marie asked.

"Just calling to make sure your making it tonight. I'm already at Ann's." Elisa said.

"I'm getting dressed. I should be on my way in 20 minutes." Marie said, balancing her phone between her chin and shoulder while putting on eyeliner.

"See you soon then!" Elisa chripped.

Marie hung up the phone and quickly finished getting ready.

"Marie! Your gunna be late!" Her dad yelled up the stairs.

"So much for being a bit early." James smirked at his sister, as she ran down the stairs. Marie stuck her middle finger up at her brother, causing her dad to give her a look. "Ready?" Her father asked. Marie nodded and walked out to the car. "15 years old. You should know how to drive by now Mar." Her father said. Marie rolled eyes. "Let's just go dad."

Her father started the car, and off they went.

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