chapter twenty

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"Camping?" Mr. Douglas stirred the spaghetti around his plate at looked at his daughter. "I don't know how I feel about you taking off for the week like that." Marie rolled her eyes. "Dad, come on. We aren't going to camp this year, so I should be able to go!" She said, shoving spaghetti in her mouth. James smirked. "Is Nikka going?" James pokes his sister. Marie shot a glare towards her brother. "No, stupid. And it's non of your business anyway." Marie looked at back her father. "Please dad? It's only for the week. I'm 16 now. I can handle myself." She formed her lips to come to a pout and she widened her eyes. James rolled his eyes and snorted. Marie stuck up her middle finger at him. "Hey! That's not the attitude to have if you want to go. You should be nicer to your brother." Mr. Douglas said. Marie rolled her eyes. "Sorry James." She said, flashing a fake sweet smile. James smirked. "Alright Marie. You can go. But when you get back, you need to start getting ready to go back to school." Her father said. Marie squealed and jumped up. "Thanks dad!" She said, hugging him. Marie made her way to the stairs, turning back to make a face at her brother, making sure her father wasn't looking of course.


Elisa and Marie stood at Ann's front door the next morning. The girls hadn't bothered to get dressed. It was a 6 hour drive. They stood there in pajama bottoms and tank tops.

When Ann opened the door, they saw she hadn't bother to get dressed either. She was still in pajamas.

"Good morning guys!" Ann chirped. She held open the door as they brought their stuff in. Elisa and Marie put their stuff in the living room, and sat down on the couch. "We're just waiting for Nik." Ann said. "NIKKA?" Marie asked. "I thought we agreed he wasn't going?!" Elisa asked. Ann shrugged. "He begged me. Sorry guys. But hey, we all can't stay mad forever." She said.

Nikka made his way down the stairs. He hadn't gotten dressed. He was in basket ball shorts and a nike tee shirt. He carried his bags downstairs. "Hey guys." Nikka said, smiling at Elisa and Marie. Elisa waved, and Marie smiled blankly at him. "Alright. Let's get our stuff in the van." Ann said, grabbing her bags. Everyone followed after her with their things.

After about 25 minutes, everyone was buckled inside the van. Ann took the drivers seat, Elisa sat up next to her, and Nikka and Marie took the two seats in the back. "Everyone good?" Ann asked. "Yes!" They all said together. And with that, Ann pulled off and started to make their way to the campsite.

-Sorry its kinda boring! Xx

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