chapter seven

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"Whatever Nikka. Call me when your ready to make up babe." Jade winked and drove away. Nikka spit at the car as it drove away. He sighed. "Why did I ever date that bitch?" He thought angrily. "I have to break up with her." But he knew he couldn't do it again. Break ups always hurt. Even if it was with a bitch. He needed a legit reason. Nikka looked down the street. He was only about 2 miles away from his house, but he couldn't walk. He felt like his legs were going to give out from under him. "I'll call Elisa. She'll probably come pick me up." Nikka took out his phone and dialed Elisa's number.

"Alright, happy birthday Ann!" Kareem said. "Thanks for coming!" Ann said, closing the door behind the leaving guests. Elisa and Marie were lounging on the couch. "Best. Party. Ever." Marie said slowly. Elisa nodded. Ann seemed bothered. "What's up love?" Marie asked, sitting up right. "I can't believe my own brother went out on his own sister's birthday." Ann stated, putting the leftover food and drinks in the fridge. Marie nodded. "Yeah. He's an asshole."

Suddenly Elisa's phone began to ring. She picked it up.

Call From: Nikky 😒😘

"Who is it?" Ann asked. "The asshole." Elisa responded.

She answered the phone.

"What do you want Nik?"

"Hey." His voice was shaky. "I'm kinda stuck here.. I'm on Sickomore Street.. Can you please come get me?"

Elisa sighed.

"Alright. But your in serious trouble with your sister."

"Thanks.." He said.

Elisa hung up.

"Guess who I have to go get? Your brother." She said, shooting a glance at Ann.

-Note For Taylor-


Waiting for NothingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora