Chapter Six: The Mistake That Broke Me

Start from the beginning

He leads me outside and stops when he gets to the garage door. "Are you ready?" He asks.

I nod eagerly. "You bet I am."

He smirks, and slowly opens the garage door, revealing a brand new 2019 white Porshe.

And being the enthusiastic person I am, I scream and jump up and down. I throw myself into Owen's arms, and we nearly fall over when I do so.

"Thank you! Thank you! You really didn't have to do this, thank you-"

"Are you going to keep this rambling up or are you going to check it out?" Owen says, laughing.

"Oh...yes, of course!" I exclaim, running to the new vehicle that has made its new home in my garage.

I swing open the car door, and instantly, new car smell overwhelms my nose. I check out all he cool features of the brand new vehicle. The inside of it is not too small or too large, it's perfect.

Owen hops in the car with me and I drive it around. It feels much smoother than my older car and the bass is amazing.

"I'm going to drive this to my party tonight." I say excitedly.

Owen chuckles. "That's great, babe."

"Thank you so much again." I tell him. I seriously did not deserve this and this must have costed a fortune. I am grateful.

"Really, it was no problem. It was worth seeing your face light up brighter than a thousand suns."

* * *

So the party rolls around that night. I make sure to grab all the snacks I've made as well as the ten pounds of guacamole. Owen hopes in the new car with me, and we drive to our destination.

My friends are going to freak when they see the new car.

Wanda only lives about twenty minutes from me, so luckily that's not far at all. I'm dressed in plain skinny jeans and a tight, blue crop top. Tina had bought me the outfit at the mall once, saying "I should show my body off more."

Owen likes the outfit too, so I guess she was right.

Pulling into Wanda's driveway, I'm immediately trampled by my girlfriends as well as random guests I've never met before. I guess my friends told their friends and their friends told their friends and so forth.

So, there was a lot more people than I thought there would be.

Tina hugs me and hugs Owen. I feel a tinge of irritation when her hand lingers on Owen's back longer than needed.

Calm down, Addy. You're over thinking it you drama queen.

"Oh. My. God! No way, did Owen buy you this?" Tina exclaims and runs up to my new car. Wanda as well as my other girlfriends follow her to inspect the new vehicle.

I nod. "Yes, wasn't that sweet of him?"

"He must really love you." Tina says, winking at me and going back to examining the new car.

"Yeah," I laugh uncomfortably, "He does, for sure."

After everyone got a good look of the car, we head inside. Wanda takes the food I made from me and sets it on a huge table full of snacks and various other treats.

A pile of gifts sit in one corner. Above it, a sign written in fancy letters reads "birthday girl."

The music is loud in my ears, and everyone's buzzing. People dance together, others stand in the corners and drink and chat with one another. There's a bald DJ wearing shades and he cranks he music up.

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