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"Who the heck is Pidge Gunderson?" Lance squinted his eyes at the list.

Hunk, who was beside him, made a face and shrugged.

"That would be me," said a voice behind them.

Lance turned around and met no one's eyes.

He looked down and found a shortie with chopped up chestnut hair, honey eyes, and rounded glasses.

Lance squinted harder.

He looked familiar but Lance couldn't put his finger on it.

He also sounded quite familiar, like Lance had heard this newbie's voice somewhere else.

He kinda looked like that guy Matt that went missing on the Kerberos mission.

Oh well...

"Welcome to the team, Gunderson. I'm Lance your fighter pilot."


Lance cried out in horror as the ion cannon's beam shot the Green lion.

Lance fired a laser beam from his own lion's mouth to try and counteract the blast.

It didn't do much, all it did was make the blast just the tiniest bit smaller.

Lance heard Pidge's piercing screams over the coms.

"PIDGE!" Lance screamed at the top of his lungs.

He tackled his lion into the ship and ended up knocking the ion cannon off.

The blasting stopped and the others circled around the green lion.

"Pidge!" Hunk yelled, trying to fly in near the Green lion.

Fighters blocked him and shot tons of bullets into his lion.

"We have to get to Pidge!" Hunk said frustratedly.

Keith tried to pilot around the fighters but there were too many and there were still battleships operational without their ion cannons.

"Guys we can't focus on this now. We have to take out all these ships before we can get to Pidge," Shiro said but everyone heard how tense his voice was.

He probably had made an internal promise to protect the daughter/sister of his Garrison team.

"How are we supposed to do that without Voltron?!" Keith growled, whacking fighters away from his lion.

"We have to manage," Shiro answered back.

The team spread out taking out the rest of the Galra fleets.

They turn around and, to their horror, realized the last Galra battleship was using a tractor beam to suck the Green lion onto the ship.

Hunk and Shiro raced to get to the ship and take it down.

"Pidge! Can you hear me?! You have to get out of there!" Lance shouted.

"She can't hear you, idiot. She's out cold," Keith snapped.

"Don't tell me the obvious!" Lance argued.

"Why not? Pidge would tell you the same!" Keith fought back.

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