2.Getting down and dirty.

Start from the beginning

“What gives?” I asked interested by the look on her face. She was obviously happy about something.

“Oh, nothing, Mr. Salkins finally gave everyone their partners for History and I just got mine.” She said avoiding eye contact with me and Kelly while unwrapping her sandwich.

“Oh yeah, who is it?” I asked intrigued for it must be someone special for her to grin like that.

“Blake, Blake Crawford” She replied.

I frowned, I know no one of this school named Blake Crawford, there was a Blake Stiller but he was a year younger.

“Who the hell is that?” I demanded.

“Must you ask?” She said. I continued to look confused when it hit me. At that moment he came in.

“No!” I gasped.

“Ooo! Look there he is! Hey Blake!” yelled Chloe waving for him to come over. What the hell was she doing!? He smiled back at her and headed over in our way. He tensed when he saw my face. My eyes wandered down at the ground.

Kelly played with her pony tail, “Welcome to Roosevelt High. Why you came her at the end of the school year I have no idea but...”

Blake shrugged “I have my own reason.”

She nodded and went back to eating her apple. I glared at him and he glared right back. Chloe seeing all this quickly told him she would meet him later. Blake nodded and walked off without a word to her.

Dang what have I ever done to him?

 Chloe looked amused. “So you ready to back out already?”

I flared my nose “no way in hell, I can get any guy in this school, and I will get him if it’s the last thing I do.”

Kelly perked up, “what are you talking about?”

I debated about telling her, but though what the heck and informed her about the bet. She smiled broadly.

“This is going to be an interesting year!”


“Now, I don’t want any of you to talk, or give anyone eye contact! Do you buffoons all understand?!” said Mr Bones.

I wanted to slap him, he was the reason I was here.

But you would have got detention anyway said my inner voice. I ignored that and continued on glaring at him.

“I am going to talk to Head about issues none of need to know, so for the love of god behave and if I hear one word out of you when I come back, well you don’t want to know” and with that existed the room.

“I bet you he didn’t have any good threats,” muttered Luke. Kelly laughed and got out a chewing gum passing it along to us. It looked like it was only us three in detention. This was quite unusual because normally it would be at least half a dozen, must have been an uneventful day at Roosevelt High.

We were in the detention centre which was really a big room that was designed for at least fifty students to fit in. It was quite stuffy really and the teachers being really mean wouldn’t let anyone open the windows. They obviously want us to die of heat stroke.

Apparently that was one punishment itself.

“Let’s play a game,” whined Luke whilst chewing his gum. I unwrapped mine and stuffed in my mouth.

“What do you propose?!” asked Kelly.

Luke grinned widely. “I was hoping you would ask; let’s play a game called Never Have I Ever.”

Kelly clapped and squealed and I started at him mad. “You do realize Bones can walk in any time?” 

He smirked, “Well that’s the fun part, you in?”

I thought about it but shrugged, ah what the hell! I was already in trouble what is the worst that could happen?  Never Have I Ever was a game where someone asked have you done this; if yes then they had to strip if no it was person turn to say.

“I want to start!” said Kelly.

Luke nodded “Knock yourself out.”

“Never have I ever gone to school drunk.” Kelly smirked widely.

Luke glared at her and took off his shirt, revealing his mouth-watering hard six pack. I grinned this was going to be fun; I decided to feel rebellious and took off my skirt. So all I stood in was my underpants. Luke’s eyes shot down to my panties and went straight back up hoping I wouldn’t notice.

“My turn!” said Luke. “Never have I ever... had phone sex so hot the operator listened in”

My eyes bulged, who does that anyways? That is until I head a giggle from Kelly who took of her shirt. I started at her.

“When and where?”

Kelly stood quiet and giggled behind her hand. It was my turn. I smirked widely at the both of them.

“Never have I ever, had sex on an airplane,”

“Shit...” Luke muttered. He slipped out of his pants and tossed them across the room. Kelly and I remained in our previous clothes.

“Luke! Doing the nasties on a plane! With who!” Kelly squealed. He smiled confidently with a hint of cockiness.

“The flight attendant,”

Before I knew it we were almost fully naked. Luke was sitting on a desk with nothing but his boxers on. Kelly and I both in our panties and bras. We heard footsteps come down the hallway and almost panicked. Lucky for us, it was just a teacher passing by.

“Never have I ever made a move on a teacher...” he said. I glanced over at Kelly. She sat there not removing any clothing from her body. Shit... no I regret doing that with Mr. Sanders! Mr. Sanders was my history teacher last year. After class he asked me to stay with him to get the homework I missed. We ended up making out in the supply closet in his room on a shelf.

“Well...” said Luke.

“I admit it...I did. But I’m not taking off anything else,” I refused.

“You can’t break the rules!” Kelly shouted. I glared at her, I wanted to smack her. Is she serious! She was agreeing with him!

“Yea Liv, you can’t break the rules,” he said slowly.

“I refuse,” I said sternly.

“Well I guess I’m going to have to take it off for you then,” he said seductively.

He slowly got up from his seat and walked over to me in nothing but boxers. Kelly just watched. He put his hands around my shoulders and softly caressed them. His lips moved down to my ear and he gently brushed against it making me shudder. Why was I letting him do this to me? I just couldn’t stop him for some reason. Did I like it? His lips brushed against my neck whilst his hot breath gently caressed my body. His hands slowly glided down to my bra clasp. It was like he was mesmerizing me with his touch. He unclasped the bra and he pulled it off with his teeth. Holy shit! I didn’t think he was actually going to take it off! I snapped out of his trance and grabbed the bra from his mouth.

But it was too late. We all froze as Mr. Bones walked in the room. All us naked, and me without anything but panties. Goddamnit we are in so much trouble.

 “Wha-what-wha?”  He spluttered out.

“Shit!” I muttered.

“Busted...” Luke said.

There were two reasons why I wished we weren’t busted.

1.)    We were going to be in some deep shit.

2.)    I didn’t want Luke to stop...



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