"Nooooooooooo!" I playfully protested.

He sat me down in the vehicle. He went back around to his side and sat down before starting the vehicle and grinning.

"I win." He stated.

"If I knew that we were playing a game I would have tried harder so technically I let you win." I teasingly shot back. For a second forgetting what awaits me back at home.

Luke's POV

"Luke!" Ashton said whilst running down the stairs. "I remember where I know her from! She went to my school before she was kicked out!"

"Kicked out?" I questioned.

"Yeah umm... she drank and did drugs. She got in constant fights too." What?

"No, that doesn't sound like her." I said whilst shaking my head.

"Bro, I don't think she's changed. Remember at the store when we met her? She was buying beer for a party? I don't think that was for a party."

"You really think so?" I asked.

"Sorry, man." He answered and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I just can't believe it. I just have to hear her say it herself, you know?" I said and looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah, me too."

Riley's POV

They left me here. Possibly bleeding to death, not caring if their only child dies. They never did, they just don't know how hard they hit. They don't know the amount of bruises they left me. Hell, they even fractured one of my bones once. But they don't care. And they never will. All it took was my sister's death, that one event - it caused all this. I don't blame her, I never did. But sometimes I just wonder - why me? What did I do in my past lives to deserve this? I guess I'll never know.

The sound of my mother moaning and repeatedly saying the same name filled my ears as I chuckled.

"Whore." I mumbled to myself.

But should I let myself die is the question? If this torture will follow me constantly throughout my life then why not? We all die eventually, and some just have to go earlier than others. Besides nobody will miss me, so why the hell not?

My thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening and two blonde boys peeking their head in.

"Oh my God, Riley!" Luke exclaimed as they both rushed over to me. "Wh- what happened?"

Before I knew it my bloody hand reached out and pushed him. But my weak shove was nothing. "Go." I managed to choke out before taking a deep breath and speaking again. "Before they see you."

"Riley, what are you talking about? Before who sees us?" Ash asked before noticing the knife stabbed into my shoulder.

"Hide." I ordered as my father stumbled downstairs. They both did as they were told, and stupidly enough they both hid in the worst place possible, behind the couch.

"Where's my beer?!" My father screeched at me before slapping me and taking the knife from my shoulder and jabbing it into my lower stomach. I screamed in pain and started coughing tremendously, spewing some blood on the floor in the process. I forced myself to take the knife out of my stomach, get up and go get that monster some beer. When I returned, I handed it to him and shortly after collapsed into the floor. I felt myself drifting away, but I didn't fight it. It was my time to go and I knew it. But before I could close my eyes I felt my body being scooped up and carried out the door. Warm temperature hit my icy skin as I was placed in a vehicle on someone's lap, probably the same one's that carried me.

"Hurry up! She's losing blood fast!" A muffled voice yelled.

"No... let me die... I deserve to die..."

"Stay with me, baby, come on don't give up on me, please." Another voice whispered to me.

I heard the engine roar to life and the vehicle started moving way too fast.

"No... leave me... let me die... please..." I pleaded as loud as I could, unsure if I actually said it or not.

"Hurry up!" two voices yelled at the same time.

The person who's lap I was placed on started running small circles on my thigh, making me feel uncomfortable and insecure.

"Stop it."


"I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth. That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through the daylight, I'm right here when you gonna realize that I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl..." The voice sung to me before I was pulled out of the car and placed in a gurney and hauled into a hospital, probably. Ah, I don't care anymore.

Calum's POV

"Family?" The doctor asked us.

"Brothers." All of us said at the same time.

"Come with me please." He said and led us into a small white office. "So how did this happen?"

"Our parents." Ashton answered.

"Oh... I'm terribly sorry. How old is she?"

"Just turned seventeen." Luke answered, being the only one that knew her age.

"Are any of you eighteen or older?" he asked.

"We all are." Luke responded again.

"Well, she cannot stay with such parents so she will have to live with one of you. Understood?"

"Yes. When can she come home?" Ash asked.

"In about half an hour you can take her. She'll be asleep, but that's not a problem."

Riley's POV

I woke up. I checked the clock on my bedside table.

Wait a second.

I don't have a clock. Or a bedside table. Where am I and what have I gotten myself into? I swept the covers off of me and shot out of the bed, not realizing that it is a bunk bed and I was on the top bunk. I fell out of the bunk only to land on someone's back.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" I asked.

"Well good morning to you too."

"Calum?" I asked, clearly amazed.


"What am I doing here? Did I spend the night somehow?"

"Well you kinda technically live with us now." He said.

"What?! No... No! I have to get back to my parents!" I yelled, jumped of his back and started running towards a door. I opened it, only to bump into someone else.

"Hey what are you doing? The doctor said you need to be on bed rest for a week or two." Ashton said calmly, too calmly. Against my will he picked my up bridal style and carried me back. He placed me in the top bunk. "Shh... it's alright... you're safe here.

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